Why I Oppose 2010: Land, Displacement, and Repression

Posted by admin on Feb 14th, 2009

SAT FEB 28TH from 4:30 – 7 pm. 706 Clarke Drive (between Hastings and Venables) Right on #22 or any Hastings busline
* Dinner served at 4:30 and childcare on site

We know you already know that mega-corporate industries like the 2010 Games and Tar Sands suck. But how does it affect displacement of peoples from their land, their homes, their jobs, their communities. From traditional Indigenous territories to urban ghettos, from migrant workers to low-income families, thousands are being evicted or pushed out, and once displaced many become cannon-fodder as precarious labour.

As intense policing and security measures (like 1000+ military personal in Vancouver earlier this month for training exercises!) disproportionately target the dispossessed, the ones with the wrong skin colour, the undesirables, we rise in struggle against injustice. against the ongoing occupation of this land. against the racist police state. against the exploitation of displaced migrant workers. against gentrification and so-called revitalization. For our dignity as the poor, the displaced, the colonized.

Join us – our struggle is your struggle. Plus this event will be awesome, informative, you’ll meet other cool people and we will give you food 🙂

There will be rad speakers including:

*** JADA VOYAGEUR ***  youth member from Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (Alberta) who will be speaking about front-line struggles of and impacts on Indigenous communities as a result of the Tar Sands “the most destructive industrial project on earth”. Jada is also a member of the newly formed Turtle Island Defenders of the Land network.

Organized by No One Is Illegal-Vancouver with the support of Native 2010 Resistance, Indigenous Free Skool, Tar Sands Free BC.

For more info email noii-van@resist.ca or call 778 885 0040
Visit www.nooneisillegal.org

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