Videos and Photos: NOII Year in Review

Posted by admin on Dec 15th, 2010

Thank you to our friends, allies, and supporters whom we stood alongside in 2010. We look forward to rising together in yet another year of struggle and liberation – till every wall and fence falls, all prisons and sweatshops are abolished, till every refugee returns home and all reserves are dismantled. Serve the people, defend the land.


* Photos from March to Scrap Bill C 49 on Nov 27 here
* Photos from Weekly Noise Demos from Sep to Nov here
* Photos of Detained children smiling through bars here
* Photos from National Day of Action “Let Them Stay” Aug 22 here
* 7 myths about the Tamil refugees aboard MV Sun Sea here


* Democracy Now Video roundup of Toronto June 2010 here
* NOII Photo selection from Toronto June 2010 here
* Panel “Colonialism, Capitalism, Migration”, Video here Photos here
* Video of NOII and Defenders of the Land at G20 fence here
* Statement of NOII at the G8/G20 Mobilizations, Part 1 and Part 2
* Vancouver Videos of We-Ate-the-G8 Blockade and Solidarity with Toronto March


The People v. Kenney
Freedom to move
Right to stay, and to Return
We are many.

* Video and Photos from National Day of Action July 24 here and here
* Video and Photos – Kenney forced from Park June 12 here and here
* Video of Kenney confronted in Vancouver May 14 here
* Leaflets & multilingual factsheets on Jason Kenney here
* ‘Kenney Wanted’ poster here
* Photo of Banner Drop off Highway 1 here


* Democracy Now Video “Activists Greet Olympics” here
* Olympic Resistance Network Youtube video channel here
* NOII Photo selection from Anti-Olympic Convergence here
* Video and Audio of Indigenous Resistance to the Games here
* Olympic Tent Village video here and here. Additional multimedia here
* Video and Audio Compilation on Olympic opposition here and here
* Video on Politics of Sport with Dave Zirin here


* Photos from NOII delegation to Teztan Biny in March 2010 here
* Support for Cheam fishers in court in May, video on case here
* Video at 10th Anniversary of Sutikalh Camp May here
* Support for Wetsuweten camp to stop Enbridge in July, photos here


* Photos of Creative Resistance through the year here
* Video of NOII and ARA countering neo-Nazis on March 21 here
* Video of NOII & others speaking at May Day on May 1 here
* Video of NOII & others speaking at Prison Justice Day in Aug here
* Video w/Naomi Klein & Harsha Walia at Under the Volcano in Aug here
* Video of Anniversary of Laibar Singh Airport Action on Dec 10 here

* NOII supported “Migrant workers demand to get paid” Video here
* NOII supported “Housing Activists Reclaim Olympic Village” Video here, Photos here
* NOII supports BDS! Video of anti-Zimm action here, Video of Flotilla raid rally here, Video of Queers United Against Israeli Apartheid here

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