Urgent rally against the deportation of Haleh Sahba

Posted by admin on Dec 6th, 2004

701 WEST GEORGIA, 9:30 am

Please support Halej by immediate fax/phone/email!

Sample Letter:

Judy Sgro, P.C., M.P.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1L1
Fax: 613-947-8319, Tel: 613-992-7774
E-mail: Minister@cic.gc.ca

Anne McLellan, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
c/o Solicitor General of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6
Fax: 613-990-9077, Tel: 613-991-2924
E-mail: McClellan.A@parl.gc.ca

I would like to draw your attention to Haleh Sahba, a 30-year old refugee claimant in Vancouver- Canada whose is facing deportation to Iran on Tuesday Dec 7, 2004. Now, after 3 years of trying to build a life here, Immigration Canada, with less than one week notice, has booked a flight to deport her to Iran on Tuesday Dec 7, 2004 at 10:30 AM.

Haleh fled Iran as women’s right activist and student activist involved in the movement for democracy in Iran. Haleh and others in her family have been active since a young age for womens rights in Iran. Her aunt is a well-known activist who fled Iran due to her work. Haleh herself was abused by her husband due to her increasing work as an activist. Due to her activites she was banned from Tehran University for three years (1997-2000) and only allowed to return in 2000 with many restrictions and conditions. In July 2000, she was arrested as one of the protest organizers at Tehran University. Upon being released from jail, Haleh went into hiding and fled Iran in 2000 and arrived in Canada in January 2001.

Haleh worked as assistant manager in a Star Bucks for almost 2 years also carries a degree in English Studies and is a highly experienced piano teacher. During her stay in Canada, she actively supported and participated in the Iranian movement for women’s rights and volunteered and organized with various women centres.

Haleh’s family lives in Canada. She has no one in Iran and no prospects for employment. Being forced to return to Iran has always been her greatest fear. Once in Iran, she will certainly be detained (leaving Iran with false documents is a crime punishable by upto 5 years imprisonment)and probably imprisoned for even longer due to her previous activities in Iran and also her involvement in Canada, which places her at far greater risk.

On November 5, 2004 Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew announced
that Canada tabled a resolution at the 59th session of the UN General Assembly, on the deteriorating human rights situation in Iran and the Canadian government maintains a travel advisory to Iran for Canadians. Meanwhile, the Immigration Canada is sending Haleh, and others Iranians, back to serious danger.

I urge you to please consider the mounting support for Haleh from community groups, student groups, womens groups, and members of political parties. I urge you to intervene in the case of Haleh on humanitarian and compassionate grounds to allow her the right to remain in Canada and be granted regularized status immediately.

(Your name and address)

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