Urgent demonstration to support Skwekwek’welt Defenders

Posted by admin on Sep 13th, 2004


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 @ NOON BURRARD SKYTRAIN STATION We will meet at Burrard Skytrain Station (on street level at the benches) and we will march one block to Department of Indian Affairs- BC RegionalOffice 1138 Melville Street.

The interlocutory injunction sought by Sun Peaks and granted by the BC Supreme court will likely be enforced soon, likely within the next 72hours, by the RCMP. The Skwelkwek’welt camp defenders will face arrest, despite the fact that they are legally residing on their traditionalterritories. Art Manuel writes “The court order is kind of a BC form of legitimate aparthied. It is clear that the Secwepemc peoples have legal andconstitutional rights at Sun Peaks but they are being wilfully ignored by the federal and provincial governments and by Sun Peaks. The failure ofthe federal policy to reconcile the differences between Secwepemc peoples, the province and Sun Peaks will more than likely lead to arrests, tonight,tomorrow or the day after. The RCMP will again be used as a political force to fill the gap for the Canadian government’s outdated andinternationally condemned Indian Aboriginal Title extinguishment policy.”

In the face of imminent arrest, the Secwepemc people need and call for our support and solidarity. We will be picketing at the Department of IndianAffairs, a colonial creation to “manage” the Indian question, responsible for a policy based on Extinguishment of Aborginal Title and Rights, thatallows corporations like Sun Peaks to continue business-as-usual despite legally binding decisions like Delgamuukw and Haidi to honour AboriginalTitle.

(There are several key targets close-by for flyering:Hotel Vancouver operated by Fairmont which manages Delta Hotels, Delta Hotels 550 West Hastings, Law Courts (800 Smithe).* Some people were planning on meeting after the picket at Vancouver ArtGallery to coordinate that *)

Organized by Land, Freedom, and Decolonization Coalition.

Email: noii-van@resist.ca, call 778 552 2099, web: http://apc.resist.ca/skwelkwekwel

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