Update – Actions across the country to oppose 15% wage cut for migrant workers

Posted by admin on Jun 10th, 2012

Toronto, Kitchener, London, Vancouver, May 24, 2012 — Coordinated by Migrant Workers Alliance of Change, simultaneous actions outside MP offices took place in 4 cities today, with migrant workers, community members and trade unionists demanding the Conservative government reverse a policy that would permit employers to pay migrant workers 15% less. This discriminatory policy is an attack on migrant workers and on all working people. Actions will continue next week in Calgary and Edmonton, as momentum builds against the wage cut.

Toronto: In Toronto, over 40 community members held a loud picket outside Conservative MP Joe Oliver’s office. Migrant workers, community and labour groups chanted “Equal Pay for Equal Work” with a giant loonie with 15% cut out. Migrant workers shared their experience fighting for even the minimum wage, while speakers from the CAW, Justice for Migrant Workers, No One is Illegal-Toronto and others vowed to continue to fight until these changes are reversed.

Toronto Star: http://www.thestar.com/news/article/1185032–wage-cuts-for-foreign-workers-in-canada-discriminatory-critics-say

Vancouver: Over 30 people gathered outside Conservative MP Wai Young’s office. Despite requesting to meet in advance, community members were locked out. Instead, supporters gathered 70 signatures for a petition demanding to rescind recent changes on migrant workers wages and to scrap bill c31. A letter was presented to MP Wai Yong that was signed by the Agriculture Workers Alliance, Alliance for People’s Health, Coalition for Migrant Workers Justice, Justice for Migrant Workers-BC, Latin American Coalition for the Rights of Migrants, No One Is Illegal Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories, BC Employment Standards Coalition and CAW.

Kitchener-Waterloo: In Kitchener-Waterloo, 25 community members and trade unionists gathered outside MP Peter Braid’s office people with a large banner and placards with a loonie with 15% cut out. A letter calling for a reversal of the discriminatory wage cut to migrant workers was delivered to Braid’s secretary.

London: About 30 people including several members of No One Is Illegal – Toronto and London District Labour Council who co-hosted the event rakkued outside of MP Susan Truppe’s office. Letters were dropped and though MP Truppe was out the President of the Labour Council was able to speak to her on the phone.

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