Two Young Girls Climb U.S./Mexico Border Fence in 18 Seconds

Posted by admin on Jan 4th, 2011

By Jorge Rivas, Colorlines, January 4 2011,

In an effort to bring attention to more creative and just ways of managing immigration, filmmaker Roy Germano shot two young women climbing to the top of the U.S./Mexico border to show just how easy it is to climb to the top. It took the women, who both stand at about 5’5” tall, just 18 seconds to climb to the top.

According to Germano, each mile of border fence costs US taxpayers about $4 million to build and will cost another $6.5 billion over the next 20 years to repair and maintain.

Germano directed “The Other Side of Immigration” a documentary that explores why so many people leave small Mexican towns to work in the United States and what happens to the families and communities they leave behind.

In 2007, comedians Penn & Teller also orchestrated a similar stunt for their documentary series on Showtime. They believe that “immigration, illegal or not, is good for the USA.” (The clip below includes some language that may not be suitable for the work place or if you have kids in the room.)

Links in this story;

The Other Side of Immigration

2 girls undermine entire US border strategy in under 18 seconds

Penn & Teller BS: Immigration pt 3/3

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