Sutikalh- Take Action to Stop Resort License

Posted by admin on Jul 18th, 2005


There has been much pressure in the past week by the Stat’imc Nation to block the license extension at Cayoosh. In a recent update from Sutikalh camp, Rosalin Sam has requested supporters to contact the Environmental Assessment Office regarding the extension of a building certificate that was issued to Al Raine and Nancy Green-Raine to build Cayoosh Ski Resort in Melvin Creek in August 2000. The resort developers are being forced to apply for an extension since building has been substantially “behind schedule” due to the growing pressure against the resort and increasing support for the five-year camp at Sutikalh. The granting of this extension is dependent on another full Environmental Assessment of the development.

John Bones, the Environmental Assessment Officer, has specifically mentioned that he is waiting for more input about the resort from concerned community members. Although we realize that letter-writing campaigns are frequently viewed as being unsuccessful or that they do not make much of a difference, in this case, it is likely that such a campaign (coupled with the strength and conviction of the Sutikalh Camp) will have a significant impact on the Environmental Assessment. We strongly urge people to take a minute to send a letter or fax (email is the least preferred method) to John Bones stating your opposition to the Cayoosh SkiResort.

For more information:
Chief Garry John At 250-256-7523 or 604-868-8560
Rosalin Sam at 604-894-2400
In Vancouver, email No One is Illegal Vancouver at noii-van at


John Bones
Project Assessment Director
Environmental Assessment Office
Victoria BC, V8W9V1
Phone (250) 387-1447
Fax (250) 356-6448
Email: John.Bones at

ATT: John Bones
Project Assessment Director
Environmental Assessment Office

RE: Proposed Cayoosh Ski Resort development by NGR Inc. in

Melvin Creek

Mr. Bones,

I am writing to you to express my absolute opposition to Nancy Greene Raine (NGR) Inc.’s proposed development of the Cayoosh Ski Resort in Melvin Creek. The proposed ski resort would entail destructive development on St’at’imc territory – lands which remain unceded and are recognized as such by the Canadian constitution. The St’at’imc communities have remained adamantly opposed to this 500 million dollar project for over five years. They have made their opposition clear through petitions, protests, and the establishment of the Sutikalh camp which they have occupied for close to 63 months now. In August, 2000, the Lillooet Tribal Council issued a letter to NGR Inc., signed by all 11 chiefs, rejecting the ski resort. The St’at’imc Nation continues to assert that they won’t tolerate any development on their territory in Melvin Creek.

Initially, the government’s own Environment Ministry, Kamloops region, advised against any development in the Cayoosh and Melvin Creek watersheds, citing high wildlife values, especially Grizzly Bear and Mountain Goat habitat. The St’at’imc have also received public support from various Aboriginal groups, including the Interior Alliance (band councils of the Southern Carrier, St’at’imc, Secwepemc, Nlaka’pamux and Okanagain), the Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC), the Native Youth Movement (NYM), and the Cheam First Nation. Several environmental groups are also opposed to the Cayoosh resort, including the Society Promoting Environmental Conservation (SPEC), the Western Canada Wilderness Committee (WCWC), Sierra Club and even former government biologists.

For the St’at’imc people, as for all Indigenous peoples, the integrity of their ancestral territories is fundamental for the survival of their language, culture and future generations. Furthermore, despite claims from NGR Inc. and the BC government, this 14,000 person capacity ski resort would have devastating effects on the local environment and wildlife.

According to a financial analysis and market assessment by the Environmental Assessment Office, the BC government stands to make a $1.1 billion profit upon project completion. This fact is not lost on community members or allies; nor is the fact that the impending 2010 Winter Olympics provide further incentive to the government to approve NGR Inc.’s project regardless of its unconstitutionality, violation of basic human rights and wide range of adverse effects.

In solidarity with the St’at’imc people, therefore, I request that your office reject NGR Inc.’s proposal for the development of the Cayoosh Ski Resort in Melvin Creek.


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