Summer Update

Posted by admin on Sep 3rd, 2012

Dear NOII friends and allies, Hope you have all had a summer of sun and resistance. Below is an update and summary of NOII organizing from the past four months. In solidarity and respect, NOII.

1) No One Is Illegal delegation to Cheam for Salmon Testing Workshop and Action.

Photo of NOII with June Quipp
Photos from the wild salmon workshop and action
Video w/June Quipp about Fishing Rights
VMC video w/Art Manuel on Aboriginal Title
Information on Cheam

2) In two actions, including one surprise action, NOII along with allies targeted and disrupted Minister of Censorship and Deportation Jason Kenney’s visit and speeches in Surrey and Vancouver.

Photos: and
Globe and Mail: Protesters in Surrey target Immigration Minister’s speech
Video: VIDEO: Protesters clash with police in B.C. over cuts to the refugee health program
Tyee: Immigration Minister Jason Kenney besieged by critics during BC visit
Observer: Immigration Minister Jason Kenney’s event marred by protests

3) No One Is Illegal visit to Secwepemc territories, where the community is currently opposing Imperial Metals Mine and asserting their sovereignty.

Click here for Photos
Our video interview with Elder Irene Billy, who passed away shortly after:
Click here for NEW blog dedicated to opposing mining in Secwepemc territory

4) NOII has reached our half-way point in the Inheriting Resistance Project. We had standing-room only at our inspiring and invigorating mid-launch with Mordecai Briemberg, Lily Shinde, Chin Banerjee, Sid Tan,and Jean Swanson, who were also joined by out-of-town youth activists Brigette Depape and Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

The children’s colouring book, illustrated by Erica Mah, was a major hit and within one evening we ran out of our first print run! Check out the cover

Watch and share our first six interview excerpts with Mordecai Briemberg, Lily Shinde, Chin Banerjee, Hanna Kawas, Sid Tan, and Jean Swanson

5) NOII is honoured to support the Unis’tot’en in their resistance to all pipelnes and resource extraction on their territories. NOII members attended the Unis’tot’en Action Camp, which brought almost 200 people toWetsweten territories, and NOII helped fundraise for the camp, including a fundraising dinner that raised funds for six Indigenous delegations to the Action Camp.

VMC and Submedia video and interviews from the Unis’tot’en Action Camp
Flickr Photo collage from the Unis’tot’en Action Camp
Click here For more information

6) NOII has been active in organizing against the Tory Interim Federal Health Cuts to refugee health care. A new group, Sanctuary Health, has organized a number of vigils since the national day of action.

Photos from Vancouver National Day of Action against IFH cuts
Photos from NOII roundtable with health care workers
Straight article Vancouver group plans to bi-weekly vigils against refugee health-care cuts
Article Resisting cuts to refugee health by Sanctuary Health member Ian Beeching
Analysis by NOII Montreal member and pediatrician Samir-Shaheen Hussain in Rabble
New website Health workers launch national non-cooperation campaign
Star news piece Doctors and nurses enlisted to defy Ottawa’s refugee health cuts

7) NOII visit to Sutikalh resistance camp, standing since 2000.

Click here for Photos
Read More information on Sutikalh

8)  NOII spoke at the Vancouver Queer Film Festival on anti-colonial LGBTQ migrant justice, and in solidarity with Queers united Against Israeli Apartheid took a stand against pinkwashing. Thank you to the organizers of QuAIA, VQFF, Rainbow Refugee, Trikone and others.

Read the Press Release
And the Open letter to VQFF

9) Throughout the summer, NOII members stood with the Musqueam to protect c̓əsnaʔəm, an ancient village and burial site of the Musqueam people, from condo development.

Click here for Photos
Here for NOII Statement of Support with Musqueam
Watch Video on 100th day of Musqueam struggle

10) NOII has continued to organize against and raise awareness about Kenney’s Immigration and Refugee Policies, particularly Bill C31 the Refugee Exclusion Law. There were a number of forums and actions this summer including an event titled “The Right to Seek Refuge in Canada: The Implications of Bill C-31”

Full Video from event is linked here. Keynote from Lesley Stalker, senior solicitor/barrister and Former Associate Legal Officer, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2007-2011), joined by Harsha Walia, Lobat Sadrehashemi, Elizabeth Csanyi and Sharalyn Jordan, moderated by Emmy Award winning journalist Peter W. Klein.

We also continued to poster and distribute “Conservative Party of Canada is Anti-Immigrant” posters. Check out a Photo

The posters read:

Conservative Party of Canada is Anti-Immigrant

  • More temporary low wage migrants than permanent residents.
  • Stopping family re-unification & sponsorship.
  • Decreasing skilled worker visas & cancelling 300.000 applications.
  • Making it harder for migrant workers to get citizenship.
  • Forcing women to stay in unsafe sponsored relationships.
  • Racist niqab ban at citizenship ceremonies.
  • Refugees fleeing persecution are automatically jailed.
  • Creating two-tier refugee system based on nationality.
  • New rules blocking gay and LBGTQI refugees.
  • Cut $53 million dollars from immigrant support programs.

The Conservative Party of Canada has a long racist & anti-immigrant history. They have not changed. They will shake hands with a few immigrant business people, they have a few immigrant MPs, but their policies are the same: ANTI- IMMIGRANT ANTI-REFUGEE & RACIST!

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