Refugee claim statistics, January-March 2007

Posted by admin on May 19th, 2007

Refugee claim statistics, 1st quarter (January-March) 2007

Total number of claims: 5,876 (if the same rate continues for the rest of 2007, we can expect 23,504 at year end, compared to 22,887 in 2006. Increasing, but still below pre-safe third levels).

Breakdown by where claims made remains pretty stable:
61% of claims were made inland
20% of claims were made at the US-Canada border
19% of claims were made at an airport

There is a continuing shift in regions where claims made (away from Ontario, towards Québec):
59% in Ontario (63% in 2006, 69% in 2005)
32% in Québec (30% in 2006, 24% in 2005)
6% in BC
3% in Prairies (148 claims)
0.2% in Atlantic (= 14 claims)

Top offices where claims made:
Etobicoke: 32% of all claims
Montreal inland: 16%
Trudeau Airport: 11%
Fort Erie Peace Bridge: 11%
Toronto airports: 7%
Vancouver inland: 4%
Lacolle: 3%
Windsor Ambassador Bridge: 3%

103 claims were found ineligible (a little under 2% of all claims) Of these, two-thirds were ineligible based on safe third 28% were ineligible because of a previous claim

The top country of origin of claimants by a large margin remained Mexico: 24% of all claims. (Up from 21% in 2006) The next top countries were:

Haiti (8%)
China, People’s Republic (7%)
Colombia (7%)

For those exempted from safe third country, 58% were exempt based on moratorium countries. This represents a constantly expanding proportion, as word gets out in the affected communities (currently the Haitian community predominantly). In 2006, 48% of safe third exemptions were moratorium countries.

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