Rally against Bill C-24

Posted by admin on Jun 26th, 2014

Saturday, July 5 5:00 PM
Holland Park, Surrey
King George Highway and 100 Avenue
Next to the King George Skytrain Station


The Conservative government has passed a controversial bill in the name of strengthening the citizenship which in reality gives absolute power to the immigration minister to revoke citizenship of new Canadians.

It’s a warning sign for those who have dual citizenships and therefore we need to raise our voice against such draconian law which is highly uncalled for. While on one hand this government has apologized for the Komagata Maru incident that happened 100 years ago, on the other it continues to attack the rights of the immigrants by making it harder for them to bring their parents and grandparents to Canada, by making citizenship test difficult and challenging and opening doors for temporary foreign workers – who are vulnerable to exploitation.

Radical Desi and People’s Voice have decided to organize a rally against Bill C-24 which is the latest of the series of assaults launched by the Tories on Saturday July 5, 2014 at Surrey’s Holland Park (close to the King George Highway and 100 Avenue) at 5 pm. All the progressive groups are invited to join us for the vigil. Also get free copies of Radical Desi and People’s Voice on this occasion. We are delighted to announce that both publications have brought out special Komagata Maru centenary editions with strong message against the ongoing social injustices in Canada and elsewhere.

———- For more information

Kimball Cariou Editor People’s Voice
Phone: 604-255-2041

Gurpreet Singh Director Radical Desi Publications Ltd.
Phone: 778-862-2454

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