Migrant deaths in Europe

Posted by admin on Jun 13th, 2007

This page documents incidents where migrants have died while trying to enter Europe since 2002. The list is by no means complete as it only contains incidents that have been reported in the media. Also it only counts confirmed deaths while in incidents at sea (which make up the majority of the cases) there are often substantial amounts of people who are missing or unaccounted for.  Data Compiled by noborder network europe

13.Jun.07: a 23 year old Nigerian migrant died while being deported from Spain with a restraining gag over his mouth. he was deported on a commercial iberia flight with 97 other passengers bound for nigeria when he suffocated to from a gag taped over his mouth. (source: reuters.com)

05.Jun.07: Eight Algerian migrants trying to sail to Sardinia drowned off the north African coast in the area of the border between neighbours Tunisia and Algeria. At least 20 other people are still missing. (source: reuters.com)

05.Jun.07: An immigrant boat with 44 passengers, all from Sub Saharan Africa arrived at port in Mogan, on the southwest of Gran Canaria. Also on board were the bodies of two men who died on the journey. (source: typicallyspanish.com)

02.Jun.07: The French Navy frigate Lamotte Piquet recovered 21 bodies of would be migrants while sailing in the waters between Malta and the Lybian coast. (source: the malta independent)

25.May.07: three passengers have been found dead on a boat bound for the Canaries that was intercepted off Lompoul in the north of Senegal on Monday after five days at sea. (source: typicallyspanish.com)

22.May.07: Maltese Armed Forces rescuers have abandoned their search for 53 immigrants who were onboard a 10-metre boat that was sighted and photgraphed by a rescue aircraft but later lost in the mediteraniean sea off Malta. Another immigrant who was on another rescued boat is also missing, while 23 where saved from the sea in this incident. UPDATE(07.Jun.2007): According to the Eritrean Liberation Front the boatload of 53 migrants lost at sea 14 days ago and feared dead, are alive and in detention in Libya. (source: maltastar.com)

20.May.07: a 21-year-old immigrant from the Ivory Coast was rescued by a Maltese fishing trawler after he fought to stay afloat for up to 10 hours in stormy seas after the boat he was on capsized some 75 miles south of Malta. The remianing 28 passengers are missing and presumed dead. (source: times of malta)

01.May.07: One of four seriously ill immigrants who were evacuated from a boatload of 50 spotted 60 miles to the South of Gran Canaria on Sunday has in the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital Insular in Las Palmas on Monday. (source: typicallyspanish.com)

30.Apr.07: a boat with 82 immigrants from western africa among them 3 dead landed on the Spanish Island of Gran Canaria on Saturday. (source: typicallyspanish.com)

28.Apr.07: a 15-year-old girl drowned and two others, a one-year-old infant and a man, were reported missing after human traffickers forced a group of of Kurdish migrants into the sea close to the southern Aegean island of Leros. (source: ekathimerini.com)

28.Apr.07: one migrant was found dead and another one was declared dead on the beach after paramedics spent an hour trying to revive him after a boat carring 68 migrants from western africa arrived on a beach on the Spanish Canary Islands. (source: www.expatica.com)

26.Apr.07: Two persons were found dead and another 10 were said to have disappeared and are presumed dead when 89 others were rescued from a flimsy kayak in which they were travelling in the sea off the Canary Islands. (source: expatica.com)

28.Mar.07: turkish border security forces have found the bodies of seven migrants who had frozen to death in the east of the country after crossing the border from Iran. the bodies of the seven men were discovered in a mountainous area in the province of Van, on the border with Iran. (source: todayszaman.com)

19.Mar.07: the greek coast guard retrieved the bodies of seven immigrants that washed ashore on the eastern Aegean island of Samos on Saturday after they were reported missing when their boat sank in a storm earlier in the day. (source: ekathimerini.com)

09.Mar.07: a small boat with around 45 immigrants on board was intercepted by the spanish coast guard around 30 miles to the south of Tenerife. Three bodies have been found on the boat and two others, who are seriously ill, have been airlifted to a Tenerife hospital. (source: eitb24.com)

24.Feb.07: At least 19 people trying to migrate to Italy from northern Africa on a rubber dinghy died in the waters between Tunisia and Sicily. A group of 31 survivors were rescued from the dingy. (source: new yourk times)

17.Feb.07: Five migrants drowned and 21 were missing after their boat sank in rough seas off the Greek island of Samos in the eastern Aegean. The boat had left the Turkish coast for Samos on Friday. (source: khaleej times)

12.Feb.07: a boat with with 44 people and one dead body from sub-Saharan Africa was found drifting off the coast of Western Sahara after its engine broke down. (source: news24.com)

05.Feb.07: at least 7 persons drowned and 9 others were missing when a boat carrying immigrants capsized overnight near the eastern Aegean Sea island of Samos (source: Athens News Agency)

29.Jan.07: the body of a teenager from Cape Town was discovered in the wheel bay of a British Airways plane in Los Angeles. It is belived that he climbed into the weelbay of the Heathrow bound 747 in Cape town on the 22nd of january and that the corpse has travelled many thousands of miles to London, Hong Kong, Singapore and Vancouver before being discovered in LA. (source: the guardian)

18.Jan.07: two immigrants drowned and five others were missing late yesterday after thier boat sank off the eastern Aegean island of Samos. (source: ekathimerini)

18.Dec.06: at least 80 African migrants died when their boat – a small wooden fishing craft – sank off the Senegalese town of St. Louis. There were up to 150 people on the boat from which fishermen rescued about two dozen survivors. (source: cnn.com)

14.Dec.06: a migrant boat wrecked inthe waters off Senegals capital, Dakar, and close to 30 people were rescued from that craft. One person died at sea and three people later died in the hospital. (source: international herald tribune)

08.Dec.06: Another of the immigrants who arrived on the Canary Islands on the 6th has died of hypothermia. He was amongst the 37 passengers who arrived in the port of Arguineguin, in southern Gran Canaria. (source: typicallyspanish.com)

07.Dec.06: a cayuco bearing 36 immigrants, one of them dead, reached Arguineguin in the south of Gran Canaria 13 of the occupants were taken to hospital with symptoms of hypothermia and dehydration. (source: gaymengc.com)

06.Dec.06: Fifty two Sahrawis drowned last week off the coast of Boujdour, in Western Sahara. The dead, including nine children younger than 11, were on a makeshift boat heading for Spains Canary Islands. (source: news24.com)

28.Nov.06: the bodies of ten drowned children have been found washed ashore in Western sahara. 24 people in a separate boat who were on their way to the canary islands are missing in the same area. (source: Reuters AlertNet)

20.Nov.06: a boat carrying migrants to Greece capsized just off Turkeys coast early Sunday, and the coast guard recovered the body of one migrant and was still searching for two other missing migrants (source: iht.com)

27.Oct.06: Six Algerians drowned while sailing to Spain from Wahran province in Algeria. The algerian coast guards rescued two others from the same group. (source: kuwait news agaency)

05.Oct.06: twenty migrants have drowned while trying to reach the Canary Islands after their boat broke up on the high seas before dawn. (source: bbc news)

27.Sep.06: survivors from a 40-member group of migrants have accused Greek authorities of throwing them in the sea off the Turkish coast. six of the migrants drowned and three others were still missing. (source: khaleej times)

25.Sep.06: a boat crammed with people trying to enter Italy overturned Sunday in waters off the tiny Sicilian island of Lampedusa, leaving two people dead while 21 others were rescued (source: international herald tribune)

21.Sep.06: a second passanger of a migrant boat that reached the Canary Islands on saturday died while being transported to a hospital from police detention on sunday. One passenger had been found dead in the boat when it reached Tenerife. (source: eitb24.com)

21.Sep.06: the body of one moroccon migrant has been found off the Spanish town of Tarifa, floating near a beach popular among surfers after he had set off with a jet-ski from Morocco about a month ago. the other migrant travelling with him is still missing at sea. (source: startribune.com)

17.Sep.06: one person died when a boat capsized about 115 nautical miles South-West of Malta on Sunday. twelve african migrants were rescued and a dead body were recovered by a tunesian rescue vessel (source: maltamedia.com)

03.Sep.06: greek authorities detained 119 immigrants on a beach close to Hania, Crete, yesterday when the boat they were traveling in ran aground close to the shore, resulting in the death of one migrant. (source: ekathimerini.com)

03.Sep.06: the bodies of two migrants have been recovered from the sea north of Lampedusa in the last two days. it is believed that they have downed when a boat sank on the night from the 18th to the 19th of august. 40 passengers were reported missing in that incident. (source: agi online)

02.Sep.06: three would-be immigrants have died on board a boat attempting to cross from West Africa to the Canary Islands. the victims were travelling with 83 other migrants, nine of whom were hospitalized. (source: rawstory.com)

31.Aug.06: eighty-four African would-be immigrants drowned off Mauritania last saturday after their boats sank attempting to reach the Canary Islands. mauritanian fishermen and rescuers retrieved the bodies from the sea and beaches near the capital Nouakchott. (source: news24.com)

29.Aug.06: a Malian national died after more than 50 West African migrants were expelled by Moroccan authorities onto a desert strip of no-mans land between Western Sahara and Mauritania (source: reuters AlertNet)

24.Aug.06: two migrants from the indian subcontinent have died while travelling to the uk. according to th epolice who found three bodies – one dead and two alive, one of whom later died in hospital – near a road in essex, they died as a result of being locked up in an unventilated van or lorry. (source: indiaenews.com)

21.Aug.06: at least 10 immigrants trying to enter Italy were feared dead and another 20 missing overnight when a rubber boat overturned off the coast of Sicily (source: news.com.au)

19.Aug.06: at least 10 people were killed when a boat carrying around 100 would-be immigrants sank in the Mediterranean off the Sicilian island of Lampedusa. Up to 40 passengers are missing and feared to have drowned (source: news.yahoo.com)

14.Aug.06: 28 African migrants died in their attempt to make the treacherous sea journey from West Africa to Spains Canary Islands. 27 people died from lack of food or waterduring the voyage. One of the 70 or so survivors died later in a Mauritania hospital after the rescue… (source: eitb24.com)

12.Aug.06: at least 17 African migrants died trying to reach Spain after a gas bottle exploded on their boat which was intercepted by off the coast of Mauretania (source: boston.com)

05.Aug.06: One migrant was found dead on a boat with 66 others that was intercepted by the spanish coast guard off the island of Tenerife (source: Mail & Guardian)

02.Aug.06: the bodies of 28 West African migrants have been found washed up on a beach in Western Sahara. They had set off in two boats from Morocco in an attempt to reach the Spanish Canary Islands. (source: BBCnews)

01.Aug.06: the bodies of two migrants who died of sunstroke were recovered off the island of Tenerife on monday. (source: Think Spain)

01.Aug.06: 17 migrants have drowned in Maltese territorial waters after the vessel they were travelling on sank 40 miles off the Eastern Maltese coast. (source: Malta Media)

01.Aug.06: six migrants were killed when the car they were driving in hit a tree close at the entrance of Dannenreich close to the german polish border. the car was travelling at high speed being pursued by the police after a failed attempt to stop it. (source: fluechtlingsrat-nrw)

30.Jul.06: another passenger of the boat that was intercepted off Lampeduas on the 29th of july died after being hospitalized in palermo in critical condition (source: La Repubblica)

29.Jul.06: 13 migrants died of exhaustion during the crossing from Lybia to Italy. 14 survivors were picked up by the Italian Navy as their boat drifted off the island of Lampedusa. (source: BBCnews)

28.Jul.06: another 4 Africans found dead on a fishing boat carrying 26 other migrants, which police escorted to a port on the Canary Island of Tenerife. (source: pravda.ru)

24.Jul.06: two people have been found dead aboard a small boat that arrived in Spains Canary Islands carrying 48 immigrants (source: BBCnews)

19.Jul.06: a seven months old baby, rescued with his mother from a boat off Fuerteventura, died while being airlifted to a hospital (source: el Mundo)

07.Jul.06: three Africans were found dead in a small boat trying to reach the Canary Islands when the spanish coastguard intercepted the boat just off the south coast of Tenerife (source: polity.org.za)

06.Jul.06: moroccan authorities found bodies of nine more migrants, bringing to 30 the number that have washed up onto the Atlantic shore after a boat sank off Western Sahara on tuesday (source: New York Times)

04.Jul.06: three men died and several were seriously injured when about 70 people tried to storm a fence dividing Spains enclave of Melilla from Morocco. one of them was shot and the other two fell to death from the top of the 6 metere high barrier. (source: news.com.au)

04.Jul.06: the bodies of 21 migrants who drowned when the rickety boat carrying them to Spains Canary Islands sank off the coast of Western Sahara washed up at the coastal village of Foum el Oued, about 20 kilometers from Western Saharas main city Laayoune. 42 others who were on the same boat are still missing. (source: CNN.com)

10.Jun.06: eleven migrants drowned yesterday morning after their crowded boat capsized in relatively calm waters 40 miles east of Malta. an Italian fishing boat rescued another 16 people (source: times of malta)

07.Jun.06: a six-year-old child drowned when a boat carrying 23 migrants capsized off Kusadasi town of the western Turkish city of Aydin. (source: turkishpress.com)

04.Jun.06: four would-be migrants died during an attempt to reach the southern sicilean coast at ragusa. two bodies were found some metres off the beach of Randello and the other two corpses were spotted by a boat at sea. (source: times of malta)

04.Jun.06: 15 men reportedly drowned 111 natuical miles south of malta when their eight-metre boat navigating in rough seas was engulfed by a huge wave and capsized. the crew of a nearby cargo vessel managed to rescue 9 other migrants. (source: times of malta)

29.May.06: the bodies of 11 african migrants have been found on a ghost ship 70 nautical miles off Ragged Point, one of the most easterly places on the Caribbean island of Barbados. it is belived that the boat left the Cape Verdeian port of Praia on Christmas day 2005 en route for the Canary Islands. the fate of some 40 others who were on board is unknown but it is assumed that they were tossed or washed overboard as they died. (source: guardian unlimited)

19.May.06: at least 40 migrants of afghan and bangladeshi origin have been killed when the lorry carrying them crashed into a stationary lorry in southern turkey. they were believed to be on their way to europe. (source: BBCnews)

02.May.06: a small boat carrying migrants to Greece capsized off the Turkish coast on tuesday. the Turkish Coast Guard rescued eight of the migrants, but one person drowned and one other was missing. (source: pravda)

03.Apr.06: 32 people died, when a boat packed with West Africans trying to reach Europe collided with a fishing vessel 20 miles off the Mauretanian coast (source: news.yahoo.com)

16.Mar.06: the Spanish hospital ship Esperanza del Mar picked up the bodies of 24 would-be immigrants south of the Canary Islands 720 kilometressouth of the Spanish Canary Islands (source: turkishpress.com)

07.Mar.06: forty-five African migrants have drowned off the mauretanian coast while trying to reach the canary islands. at least 23 people drowned after their boat collided with a Moroccan vessel coming to its aid off the city of Nouadhibou and another 22 drowned after their boat capsized in rough seas. (source: BBCnews)

05.Mar.06: 1 person drowned and 9 are missing after the boat on which they tried to escape form malta capsized. the migrants had escaped earlier that week from maltese detention centers and werse assumed to be en route to sicily. (source: maltamedia.com)

21.Feb.06: two migrants have drowned when an open-topped boat capsized off the Isla de Alboran on Sunday. 22 survivors have been rescued by the spanish coast guard from the heavy seas. (source: typicallyspanish.com (sic!))

24.Jan.06: three dead immigrants were found in two rubber boats 10 miles north-east of the greek island of Samos near the Turkish coast. It is assumed that they have died from exhaustion and dehydration (source: planetark.com)

24.Jan.06: Bereket Yohannes, a 26 year-old-man from Eritrea, was found hanged in the showers in Hamondsworth Immigration Removal Centre last Thursday the 19th January 2006. (source: ncadc.org.uk)

04.Jan.06: One man drowned off the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos yesterday after the boat that was transporting him and 19 fellow migrants sank some 80 meters from shore. (source: ekathimerini.com)

27.Dec.05: two bodies of dead would-be immigrants have been discovered on the spainsh coast over x-mas: the first body was discovered floating in the sea off Guadalquiton while the second body was discovered in the sea off Tarifa. (source: typicallyspainsh.com)

22.Dec.05: two stowaways were found dead in the water on Wednesday in the Belgian port of Antwerp. they belong to a group of 10 who spendt the 10-day trip from the Lagos in an unheated machine room on board of a cargo vessel. (source: news24.com)

20.Dec.05: thirty West African migrants drowned at the weekend off the coast of Mauritania when their boat sank as it headed for Spains Canary Islands. Mauritanian coastguards rescued 14 people including two women from the vessel when it sank off Cap Blanc. (source: reuters alertnet)

29.Nov.05: six african would-be immigrants drowned off the coast of Spains canary islands on monday as storm waves swept their makeshift boat, which carried around 50 people. (source: resuters alert.net)

28.Nov.05: the spanish authorities have stopped their search for 22 missing immigrants whose small rubber boat capsized in stormy weather off the southern Spanish coast over the weekend as it was unlikely anyone could have survived that long in the cold water. (source: pravda)

25.Nov.05: the italian coast guard has found the bodies of six more people who drowned when a boat carrying 200 illegal immigrants ran aground off Sicily last week, bringing the total death toll so far to 20. (source: reuters alert.net)

24.Nov.05: the italian coastguard found on Wednesday the bodies of five more people thought to have drowned when a boat carrying some 200 would-be immigrants ran aground off Sicily last week (source: reuters alert net)

18.Nov.05: the bodies of nine migrants have been recovered near Ragusa on Sicilys southern coast. they were aboard a boat that ran aground in stormy weather. at least 100 people have been rescued from the boat. (source: BBCnews)

02.Nov.05: twelve people drowned Wednesday after a boat carrying migrants to Greece capsized off the resort town of Cesme on the Turkish coast. the Turkish Coast Guard was searching for 18 missing migrants. (source: pravda)

27.Oct.05: 11 people have burnt to death looked up in their cells when a fire broke out in the deportation-prison on amsterdams shiphol airport. (source: BBCnews)

25.Oct.05: the greek coast guard has found a body aboard a boat that sent out a distress call as it was taking 150 migrants to Italy. (source: BBCnews)

24.Oct.05: 6 corpses have been discovered floating in the medieranian sea off the coast of malta. it is believed that the corpses are those of migrants who tried to reach malta or another part of the EU by boat (source: malta media)

13.Oct.05: one person dies after he jumped overboard when two boats carrying a total of nearly 100 African immigrants landed on the southern Spanish coast near Almeria overnight, officials said on Wednesday. (source: news24.com)

07.Oct.05: moroccan troops have shot dead six sub saharan migrants when they opend fire on about 400 migrants that tried to enter the spanish encalve of Melilla on the mediteranian coast. (source: reuters)

06.Oct.05: a young vietanmese migrant died when he fell from a truck in which he and 5 other stowaways where hiding. the incident happend when the truck pulled into a gas station on the A1 motorway to the north of London in the UK. (source: peterboroughtoday)

02.Oct.05: 19 african migrants have died after their the rickety boat which capsized around 26 miles off the south-eastern coast of Fuerteventura. Another 17 immigrants were rescued by spanish Coast Guard. (source: international herald tribune)

29.Sep.05: five migrants from sub-saharan africa where shot dead by spanish and Moroccan police during another mass attempt to cross the border fence that seperates Morocco from the Spanish enclave of Ceuta (or Spanish-occupied town of Sebta if you prefer the Moroccan point of view). an unknown number of people were hurt during the attempt. (source: moroccotimes.com)

28.Sep.05: a boat carrying immigrants, mostly North Africans and Palestinians, ran aground near the Sicilian town of Agrigento on tuesday. a dozen migrants on board swam ashore and managed to escape, while an unknown number drowned while attempting to reach the shore (source: adnki.com)

27.Sep.05: a fishing boat carrying 39 migrants sank off the coast of northern Cyprus, leaving one person dead and 33 others missing. the boat had left the Turkish coastal city of Mersin late on Sunday and sank early Monday morning. (source: ireland on line)

23.Sep.05: at least two african migrants drowned when their rickety boat capsized off Moroccos southern Atlantic coast on their way to the Spanish Canary islands, 18 other migrants were missing. the two bodies and pieces of a wrecked boat washed up off Bir Anzaran, about 1,500 km southwest of Rabat. (source: reuters)

19.Sep.05: turkish coast guard officers opened fire on a boat carrying about 30 immigrants to Greece killing one Syrian immigrant and injuring two others including a Greek crew member. the coast guard opened fire when the greek boat did not heed calls to stop and attempted to escape toward the Greek island of Chios. (source: seven.com.au)

19.Sep.05: turkish coast guards recovered the bodies of four migrants who drowned in the Aegean Sea when their boat capsized last week. Eight other people were still missing. (source: newsfromrussia.com)

11.Sep.05: the bodies of at least 11 African migrants have been found on the coast of Sicily. they drowned after the jumped overboard when the trawler carrying them ran aground a few hundred meters away from the shore. (source: BBCnews)

10.Sep.05: 1 migrant died whie trying to cross the border fence that separates the Spanish enclave Melilla from the Maorrocan mainland (source: BBCnews)

27.Aug.05: 2 migrants from Cameroon died when spanish military police (Guardia Civil) attacked a group of 300 subsaharian migrants that tried to break into the spanish enclave of Melilla from their temporary camp in Morocco (source: BBCnews)

26.Aug.05: two immigrants drowned when the boat they were sailing capsized off the coast of Lesvos. the accident occurred as the migrants rushed to one side of the boat when a coast guard patrol approached their vessel. The Greek coast guard managed to rescue 40 migrants from the sea while seven are still missing and presumed to be dead. (source: ekathimerini.com)

23.Aug.05: 26 migrants have died last friday after their boat which had left Lybia 5 days ago hit rough seas south of Malta. 21 died when the boat capsized but initially seven others managed to hang on for their lives. Five drowned later due to exhaustion. (source: times of malta)

17.Aug.05: Two African migrants died after two months at sea trying to reach Spain on a fishing boat crammed with about 100 people. Thirty other passengers were in a serious condition. (source: reuters south africa)

14.Aug.05: the bodies of four stowaways have been found in a container in the port of rotterdam. it is believed that the four enterd the container in casablanca to get to spain. they are belived to have died as the result of overheating when the container was stored in spain for a couple of days before it was shipped to rotterdam. (source: nu.nl)

07.Aug.05: one person drowned during his effort to abandon a 15-metre-long trawler with 126 immigrants and crew aboard when it sank after it had run on ground in the gulf of Platia Peramata south of Crete. (source: athens news agency)

05.Aug.05: nineteen african migrants drowned on friday when their rickety boat capsized off Morocco’s southern Atlantic coast on its way to Spanish Canary islands. two migrants survived the capsizing. (source: reuters alertnet)

14.Jul.05: three African migrants drowned near Izmir on Turkey?s Aegean coast when the rickety boat they were traveling in capsized (source: ekathimerini.com)

27.Jun.05: two Tunisians drowned when a boat carrying them and 21 other would be immigrants to Greece capsized yesterday off the coast of Turkey. (source: ekathimerini.com)

14.Jun.05: At least 14 people, including six infants, have drowned after a boat trying to reach Europe capsized off the Moroccan coast. The crowded rubber vessel was carrying more than 100 would-be migrants, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa. (source: BBC news)

27.May.05: The bodies of 11 migrants were found dead from dehydration near the Algerian border in the north of Niger. Their vehicle broke down among the dunes and they died of thirst. Others travelling in the same vehicle were able to walk the more than 20km to the nearest water source and were reportedly safe and sound. (source: http://www.thestar.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=132&fArticleId=2536449)

25.May.05: two migrants were confirmed dead and 14 others feared to have drowned after a boat carrying a group trying to get to italy sank of sicily (source: news24.com)

16.May.05: At least 14 African migrants heading to Italy drowned when their boat sank off An Noukat al Khams area, 30 km west of Tripoli, a few hours after it left Libya for Italy on Sunday (source: aljazeera.com)

27.Apr.05: one immigrant was found drowned and rescuers later recovered another body from the agean sea yesterday. Five more from the group that tried to secretly sail to Greece from Turkey were still missing last night. (source: ekathimerini.com)

13.Apr.05: the body of an Asian man was recovered from the sea by the crew of a passing tanker eight miles off the coast of malta on sunday. it is assumed that the body belongs to the group of chinese migrants that were forced to abandon a ship of the coast of sicily on 28 march (source: times of malta)

05.Apr.05: two dead migrants were pulled out of a minefield in the Evros prefecture of northeastern Greece in the early hours of yesterday morning and a third was rushed to the hospital after they attempted to pass through a the mine-field along the Turkish-Greek border (source: ekathimerini.com)

02.Apr.05: at least 13 people died of dehydration after a boat with 23 would-be immigrants on board became lost and drifted at sea for a week without food or water off Spain’s Canary Islands. (source: news.xinhuanet.com)

28.Mar.05: six chinese migrants drowned and three others were missing after human traffickers apparently forced them to jump from into the sea from a vessel kilometres from the coast of Sicily. (source: news24.com)

02.Mar.05: the bodies of 37 morrocans were found in the mediterranean last week. some of the men had drowned, others had died of thirst when their boat sank on the trip from the city of Al Hoceima to Almeria in Spain. (it is assumed that they took this long crossing in order to avoid a radar system in the Strait of Gibraltar) (source: Inter Press Service)

20.Jan.05: a boat containing the bodies of ten would-be immigrants was found today by a merchant navy vessel 480km south of the Spanish Canary Island of Gran Canaria. there were no survivors aboard the vessel. (source: news.com.au)

10.Jan.05: three immigrants drowned today after their small boat took on water as it tried to cross from the Turkish coast to the Greek Aegean Sea island of Samos. The Greek Coast Guard rescued 13 immigrants who were also aboard the boat. (source: the australian)

06.Jan.05: an african migrant died trying to reach Spain’s Canary Islands by boat on Wednesday and police arrested 88 men trying to enter the country with him. Five of the men were taken to hospital with hypothermia, a local police spokesman said. (source: xtramsn.com)

03.Jan.05: 2 died and 1 person is missing after a boat carrying somali and iranian migrants trying to reach greece capsized off the turkish coast (source: turkishpress.com)

24.Dec.04: the bodies of 13 would-be immigrants were found today in a boat in the Atlantic Ocean about seven miles off the island of Fuerteventura, while 30 others from the same group were rescued as they tried to reach Spain. (source: news.scotsman.com)

17.Dec.04: a would-be immigrant, trying to make his way to Malta along with 19 others, was recovered dead from the sea after he jumped into the sea from a boat which had just brought them to their destination and tried to swim ashore. (source: timesofmalta.com)

15.Dec.04: The corpse of a drowned migrant aged 18-20 was found off the coast of the Greek islet of Barbalia (close to Lesvos). (source: ekathimerini.com)

11.Dec.04: three clandestine immigrants drowned today after their small boat took on water as it tried to cross from the Turkish coast to the Greek Aegean Sea island of Samos. (source: the australian)

07.Dec.04: two turkish migrants aged 22 and 23 were killed in an minefield on the banks of the river evros on the greek turkish border when they tried to cross into greek territory. (source: ekathimerini.com)

15.Nov.04: ten intended immigrants have drowned after their boat capsized in stormy waters on off Malta on saturday night. the crew of a motor tanker raised the alarm when it saw a craft with 10 people on board capsize as the tanker was heading towards the vessel. a rescue operation has only turned up the capsized boat and two empty life jackets (source: the times of malta)

14.Nov.04: Seven people drowned when their boat capsized off the Canary Islands during an attempt to reach Spain. The boat was spotted 300 metres from Fuerteventura on friday night by a Spanish police patrol boat which tried to intercept it. (source: the Guardian)

14.Nov.04: three migrants have been killed in an explosion while trying to enter greece from turkey through a mine field along the border river evros/meric. (source: der standard)

13.Nov.04: turksih rescuers have found the bodies of two more dead migrants in the vicinity of the location where their boat capzized on wednesday (source: xinhuanet.com)

11.Nov.04: at least nine migrants from somalia and mauretania drowned when the boat that was supposed to carry them to greece sank in the Aegean Sea off Izmir province in southwestern Turkey. another 7 persons were missing after the incident. (source: Reuters AlertNet)

02.Nov.04: a kurdish immigrant has been found dead, apparently of suffocation, on a Greek ferry that docked in the Italian port of Ancona. italian authorities discovered the corpse on Friday. The victim had been packed into a Dutch truck with another 12 migrants, two of whom had suffered severe dehydration, and brought to Ancona by ferry from Igoumenitsa (source: ekathimerini.com)

16.Oct.04: the Italian coast guard has rescued 22 would-be immigrants whose boat had capsized some 70 nautical miles from Malta. one of the rescued immigrants died soon after he was rescued. the cause of his death is unknown. (source: malta media)

10.Oct.04: according to tunesian officials the death toll from the sinking of a boat carrying North African migrants across the Mediterranean (see 5.oct.2004) has risen to 53, with 11 passengers still missing. (source: reuters alert net)

06.Oct.04: one migrant has been killed when he stepped on a mine in a minefield on the banks of the border river evros[gr]/meric[tk] that separates greece from turkey. one other person has been severely injured in the blast. this brings the number of migrants that have died in the minefields along the greek turkish border since 1990 to 88. (source: der standard der standard )

05.Oct.04: at least 28 north african migrants attempting to sail to Italy drowned when their boat sank off the coast of Tunisia. 36 other passengers are missing and are presumed to have drowned in the incident. (source: reuters alert net)

20.Sep.04: greek rescuers found the bodies of five drowned afghans after a wooden boat carrying 20 people foundered in high seas off Samos. only seven survivors were found. (source: ekathimerini.com)

14.Sep.04: the Greek Coast guard located four male corpses on an islet off Thermi, on the northern coast of Lesvos. UPDATE(15/09): another body was found two days later. (see: ekathimerini.com) (source: ekathimerini.com)

12.Sep.04: five african migrants have drowned after their boat sank while crossing from morocco to the canary Island of fuerteventura. (source: news24.com)

30.Aug.04: two egyptian immigrants died and 18 others were injured from excessive heat after being deported by libyan authorities to the egyptian border. prior to their deportation the egyptians had been rescued (sic!) by the libyan coast guard after their italy-bound boat sunk off the libyan coast. (source: washingtontimes.com)

23.Aug.04: one would-be immigrant drowned and four others were missing on Sunday after a boat carrying clandestine Afghan immigrants sank off Turkey’s western coast (source: turkishpress.com)

23.Aug.04: at least four africans drowned yesterday when their small boat capsized while attempting to beach on Fuerteventura, one of Spain’s Canary Islands. (source: smh.com.au)

14.Aug.04: 33 african migrants have drowned after thier boat has capsized near Spain’s Canary Islands. When a police patrol was approaching the boat in high seas the people on board stood up, causing it to capsize. Only six people could be rescued. (source: BBC news)

09.Aug.04: 28 africans have died of exhaustion during a 9 voyage from libya towards italy of a 14 meter boat packed with 100 migrants. the bodies of 17 of them are reported to have been thrown over board during the trip while one person died after the boat had been towed in the sicilian port of syracuse. (source: channelnewsasia.com)

01.Aug.04: at least five would-be immigrants, including a baby, drowned today off the south coast of Spain, rescue services said. rescuers have recovered the bodies of two men believed to be Moroccan and two sub-Saharan Africans, a man and a woman, as well as that of a baby aged about seven months. (source: Herald Sun)

22.Jul.04: the dead body of a 20 year old cuban has been found in the undercarriage of a german airbus when it underwent a weekly inspection at duesseldorf airpot on wednesday. it is believed that the cuban died in mid air after he had sneaked into the aircraft on a cuben airport ion monday morning. (source: wdr online)

14.Jul.04: According to Lybian aothorities four adults and an infant who were trying to cross the mediteranian to Italy drowned last week when their craft sank about 60km west of Tripoli. (source: news24.com)

06.May.04: One would be migrant to Europe has drowned and 34 others have been rescued when tehir boat sank off the tunesian coast near the city of Sfax (source: brunei-online)

17.Apr.04: Fourteen African migrants have drowned trying to reach Spain’s Canary Islands after the boats they were travelling in crashed into each other and capsized (source: reuters.co.uk)

25.Feb.04: 13 persons have died when their ship carrying up to 35 would-be immigrants sank off Turkey’s western coast. with only 7 persons rescued, another 15 passengers are presumed to have died in this incident (source: heraldsun.news.com.au)

11.Feb.04: 16 egyptians on their way to italy have drowned when two boats carrying them across the mediteranian capszied in a storm. 20 others are missing and are presumed dead. (source: news.com.au)

30.Jan.04: the bodies of five men were found in a field near the village of Feres in Thrace, close to the Turkish border. The victims are believed to have frozen to death earlier this week while trying to enter Greece clandestinely during a blizzard. (source: ekathimerini.com)

29.Jan.04: the bodies of 5 migrants have been found off Karystos in southwestern Evia after a yacht carrying dozens of kurds from turky to greece sank in a storm. 14 other persons are missing and are presumed to have dies as well. (source: ekathimerini.com)

25.Jan.04: libyan coastguards have found the bodies of four migrants who drowned after a boat carrying them and 17 others to Italy sank off the Libyan coast (source: forbes.com)

16.Jan.04: At least 16 would be immigrants have drowned off furtaventura after their boat capsized when a wave drove it onto a reef tipping all its occupants into the sea. nine others were rescued. (source: reuters)

12.Jan.04: at least 21 people died when a rubber dinghy heading for Italy and packed with at least 32persons capsized off the Albanian coast in stormy seas. (source: reuters)

22.Dec.03: 52 migrants drowned when the 14 metre-long wooden vessel which was carring them from Marmaris on the Turkish coast to the nearby Greek island of Rhodes sank after the captain had abaNdoned the ship (source: ekathimerini.com)

03.Dec.03: 15 African immigrants drowned after they fell overboard while being transferred from a fishing boat to a rescue launch by the spanish coast guard. (source: the guardian)

30.Oct.03: the bodies of 32 migrants who drowned when their ship sank off the coast of southern Spain have been retrievd by recue teams near the town of rota. (source: news.com.au)

20.Oct.03: Tunisian coastguards have found the bodies of five migrants who drowned after a small boat carrying them and 17 others towards Italy sank off the Tunisian coast. (source: reuters)

19.Oct.03: at least 73 migrants of somali origin have died during their trip in an overloaded boat from libya to italy. most of the dead who had fallen victim to hunger and cold where thrown overboard by the 15 survivers of the 20 day odyssey in the mediterranean sea (source: reuters)

18.Oct.03: italian rescue ships have recoverd the body of one african migrant from a overloaded boat en route to lampedusa. 6 others where said to have died and been thrown over board during the trip. (source: Reuters AlertNet)

11.Oct.03: the dead body of an african man was found in the undercarriage of an aircraft arriving from Congo at Paris’ Charles de Gaule airport. the man is believed to have frozen to death during the flight. (source: liberation)

06.Oct.03: a Moroccan cross-border trader was shot and killed by a Guardia Civil officer on the border between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Ceuta. He belonged to a group of persons that were involved in unauthorized cross-border trading between the Spanish Colony and Morocco. (source: Reuters)

03.Oct.03: At least five persons drowned and 18 were rescued on Friday when a boat transporting them to the Greek island of Evia capsized (source: MSNBC europe)

01.Oct.03: three guineese stowaways have drowned in the seine after they had jumped ship when the vessel carrying them arrived in the french port of le Havre (source: Liberation)

30.Sep.03: Seven migrants of Pakistani origin were killed by landmines as they attempted to cross from Turkey into Greece on Monday. Since 1999, a total of 42 persons trying to cross the greek turkish border were killed in the minefields and 15 other were maimed or seriously injured. (source: BBCnews)

10.Sep.03: 23 Pakistanis on their way to to europe drowned in a river attempting to cross into northeastern Greece. the bodies were washed onto the Greek banks of the river Evros (source: MSNBC news)

01.Sep.03: two persons have drowned when the overloaded boat that was supposed to bring them to italy sunk off the tunesian coast (source: di-ve.com (malta))

18.Aug.03: An Iraqi Kurd stowaway has been found dead in the back of a container lorry in Dorset, England. It is believed tha he was crushed by containers in the back of the lorry on the way from france to england. (source: BBCnews)

14.Aug.03: five persons trying to make their way to Greece, including three children, drowned after their overladen boat capsized off Lesbos yesterday night. 10 other persons are reported to be missing after the incident (source: Melbourne Sun Herald)

02.Aug.03: police in spain’s Canary Islands recovered the bodies of 10 west africans immigrants whose boat had struck rocks and capsized in the Atlantic when trying to reach european shores. (source: the guardian)

02.Aug.03: 21 migrants from sub-sahran africa have been found dead in the sahara desert 1200 kilometers south of algiers. it is belived that they were on their way to the mediteranian coast trying to reach european shores when they died of dehydration. (source: yahoo! nachrichten)

01.Aug.03: 15 persons from west africa are missing and are presumed dead after spanish cost guard stopped a boat of the coast of fuertaventura. the boat carrying 13 had left the african coast carrying 28 persons. (source: the guardian)

30.Jun.03: the corpse of a 31 year old indian national was found not far from the Ukrainian-Slovakia border in Ukrainia. It is unclear what caused his death. (source: noborder-list)

30.Jun.03: nine people drowned sunday when a ship carrying would be immigrants sank off off the fishing port of Sidi Daoud, on Tunisia’s northeastern coast, some 200 kilometers from Italy. (source: middle east online)

20.Jun.03: Twelve would-be illegal immigrants have drowned, 41 have been rescued and 197 are missing after their boat sank Friday off the eastern coast of Tunisia. (source: Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting)

16.Jun.03: the italian coast guard has recovered the bodies of 7 would be immigrants that had drowned when their boat sunk of lampedusa on its way to italy. (source: ireland on line)

14.Jun.03: 11 persons have died when a boat acrrieng 70 persons on their way to italy sank south of italy. (source: lemonde.fr)

28.Feb.03: Ukrainian border policemen on 27 of February found the dead frozen body of young man near the village Kamanitsa of Uzgorodska oblast, just in few meters from Ukrainian-Slovak border. The police found with him passport on the name of 26 year old Indian citizen. (source: obozrevatel.com.ua)

25.Feb.03: 12 migrants have died of dehydration in a boat on the Atlantic ocean after the two persons who were supposed to ferry them to Fuertaventura abandoned a group of 16 after the boats engine had failed. (source: the guardian)

24.Feb.03: Sarkawat Hussein, aged 18 died when trying to gain access to a truck that he hoped would bring him to England. his head was squashed by the trucks wheels when he fell of the truck while it was riding backwards. (source: zpajol mailing list)

19.Jan.03: At least 26 persons have drowned off northern Morocco after hastily taking to sea to avoid an army patrol. They belonged to a group migrants predominantly from sub-Saharan Africa that was boarding an inflatable boat bound for Spain. (source: bbc news)

19.Jan.03: Six migrants have been found dead on a vessel that was encountered by a Russian merchant ship some 30 miles south of Santa Maria di Leuca, on the heel of Italy. 18 passengers of the boat are unaccounted for, and have been classed as missing. (source: reuters alert net)

12.Jan.03: 9 Africans trying to reach the Canary Ilsands have drowned after their boat sank near Fuerteventura. 5 persons were officially listed as missing. (source: news24.com)

08.Jan.03: two Africans died on the Greek Turkish border after straying into a minefield in thick fog while trying to enter Greece clandestinely, a third man suffered severe injuries which led to his leg being amputated. (source: Ekathimerini)

08.Jan.03: three Indians, aged between 25 and 30, were found dead at Vysna Rybnica, near the Slovak-Ukrainian border. It is believed taht they died from exhaustion after their long journey through the mountains in icy temperatures. (source: Times of India)

07.Jan.03: over the past three days the drowned corpses of five men and one woman were discoverd on beaches on the Greek island of Symi. The body of another man was discovered on a beach on Evia. All are believed to have drowned trying to reach Greek shores. (source: Ekathimerini)

03.Jan.03: six of the 41 passagers of a motorized rubber boat drowned when the craft sank after hitting rocks near the coast while crossing the Strait of Gibraltar from Morocco. (source: the Guardian)

25.Dec.02: at least three persons have drowned after a boat carrying dozens of people trying to reach Greece ran aground on the western Greek island of Corfu. (source: deutsche welle)

24.Dec.02: three bodies have been recovered after an inflateble dinghy sank off the eastern Aegean island of Hios. 14 immigrants where rescued while another four were still missing. (source: sky news)

20.Dec.02: twelve persons have drowned and several others are feared dead after two boats carrying about 100 persons – mostly Iraqi Kurds and Afghans – were caught in a storm off an island near Athens. (source: news.com.au)

16.Dec.02: the body of a young man, who is believed to have been of iraqi nationality has been found by the french police under a truck at the toll station of Saint-Omer close to the french port of Calais. The truck was on its way to England. (source: fr.news.yahoo.com)

13.Dec.02: an African immigrant who had entered Greece illegally from Turkey was found dead outside a border village in Thrace yesterday. He is believed to have died of exposure and exhaustion during the long, nighttime trek in sub-zero temperatures. (source: Ekathimerini)

05.Dec.02: at Londons Heathrow Airport two 12 year old stowaways were found dead in the undercarriage of a Ghana Airways plane arriving from Accra. (source: Edinburgh Evening News)

02.Dec.02: 12 persons trying to cross the mediteranian on their way to italy drowned when their boat sunk in bead weather of the Lybian coast. 56 are still missing. (source: Reuters)

02.Dec.02: the bodys of 32 sub-saharan africans that where trying to reach the Canary Islands where washed ashore on the coast of southern marocco. (source: NEWS.com.au)

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