MayDay 2006

Posted by admin on Apr 29th, 2006

S.T.A.T.U.S. Coalition presents… **MAY DAY 2006** “Long live International Workers’ Day!”

Commemorating the International Workers’ Struggle and Migrant Labour & Immigrant workers Resistance…

LOCATION: CAPRI HALL, 3925 Fraser (corner East 23rd Ave)

5-10$ suggested donation- includes food. Beer and wine sold during dinner (7:30-8:30 pm) and after performances (10 pm onwards)

Speakers, community performers, and multimedia presentations…

* Adriana Paz
* Dhol Nation Academy, Surrey
* Hugo Rojas: Latino musician
* Mariam Durrani: Pakistani vocalist
* Mexican Migrant Workers from Pitt Meadows
* Ndidi Cascade: renowned performer who has performed with Femi Kuti, Michael Franti, Kelis, K-OS, & Kardinal Offishall
* Oscar Villalobos: Latino poet
* Ray Bobb: elder from Stolo Nation, Red Power Movement
* Reem Alnuweiri: Palestine Arab Women’s Organization
* Sinag Bayan: Filipino cultural collective
* Wayde Compton: writer, poet, and editor whose books include Performance Bond and Bluesprint: Black British Columbian Literature and Orature.
* Yyadzehe Gatica: currently in from Oaxaca, Mexico with the Consejo Indigena Popular de Oaxaca – Ricardo Flores Magon

Child care available – call to request, Wheelchair accessible. Info: or 778-552-2099

S.T.A.T.U.S. is a coalition of community-based organizations in the Vancouver area belonging to movements and struggles of the people of the Global South (Asia, Africa, Central and South America, Middle East, the Caribbean region) and the struggles of such migrant communities in Canada.

On April 29th, 2006 we invite you to join us in remembering the history of May Day and celebrating the struggles of workers around the world, and in particular highlighting the struggles of migrant labour and immigrant and non-status workers in North America.

From the 1886 strikes for the eight hour day to the mobilization of hundreds of thousands in the Global South demanding “WTO out!”, from the Haymarket Five to the cries of migrant farm workers and sweat-shop labourers in North America demanding an end to wage-slave labour – May Day has become an international day of solidarity between workers.

As colonial projects of the past are carried forward through neo-liberal policies of the present, the attacks on workers of the Global South and migrant workers in the North continue to escalate. Modern day slavery continues through multi-national run sweatshops from South Asia to New York. Farmers are displaced from their lands in Latin America by free trade agreements to the fields of the North where they continue to be exploited through Seasonal Agricultural Worker Programs. Since the days of the Chinese workers building the Railroad, non-status workers in Canada continue to fuel the economy by serving as a hyper-exploitable pool of labour with no rights to services, no ability to assert the right to minimum-wage, or any other forms of labour protection. Immigrant workers, particularly immigrant women, in North America continue to face conditions of deskilling and racism in the workforce leading to an over-representation in non-unionized, temporary, low-income jobs in the service sector and garment industry.

Let us share these histories and build solidarity for the future…

* S.T.A.T.U.S Coalition is: Association of Chinese Canadians for Equality and Solidarity Society, Bolivia Solidarity Committee, Canadian Network for a Democratic Nepal, Consejo Indigena Popular de Oaxaca -Ricardo Flores Magon – Vancouver, Committee for Solidarity with Colombia, Iranian Federation of Refugees, Iranian Refugee B.C, La Surda Latin American Collective, Justicia 4 Migrant Workers B.C, No One is Illegal, Palestine Arab Women’s Association, Palestine Community Center, Salaam Vancouver, South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy, Vancouver Status of Women

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