May 27 Reportback: Ntl Day of Action

Posted by admin on May 29th, 2006

Approximately 500 People March in Vancouver to Demand Status for All and Justice for Immigrants
==> Click here for pictures (courtesy of Jon Elmer, Harjap Grewal, Sarah Race, and
Kara S.)

==> Working TV 6-minute video featuring interviews with immigrant organizers, solidarity messages from indigenous sisters, testimony from families of non-status migrants, and historical perspectives on struggles against racist immigration policies:

Across Canada, migrants, refugees and their allies demonstrated against the deportation and detention of migrants and refugees, for a full, inclusive, unconditional and ongoing regularization program, and for full rights and dignity for immigrant communities against racism, poverty, and criminalization. In both Toronto and Montreal, over 1000 people marched, while demonstrations and activities were also held in Ottawa, Halifax,
Peterborough, and Fredericton.

In Vancouver approximately 500 people gathered at the Vancouver Art Gallery and then marched down the commercial and shopping Robson district. The Vancouver rally and march was organized by the STATUS Coalition, a coalition of Middle Eastern, Latino, South Asian, African, Iranian, Chinese, and South East Asian immigrant community-based organizations, and was supported and endorsed by a wide range of community groups, unions, women’s centres, and student organizations.

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