Laibar Singh Deportation Set for Oct 22nd

Posted by admin on Oct 16th, 2007


Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) officers have informed Mr. Laibar Singh that he will be deported on Monday October 22nd. It is outrageous that the Canadian government continues to push for the deportation of a paralyzed man who has received an unbelievable amount of support from the community and people all across Canada who are demanding that he be allowed to remain on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.


We realize that most of you are probably flooded by letter-writing campaigns or find letter-writing futile. However, in this situation, it is imperative to pressure the Immigration Minister, particularly as there is a counter-campaign that is demanding Mr. Laibar Singh’s deportation.

We are calling on all supporters, friends, and allies to PRESSURE IMMIGRATION MINISTER DIANE FINLAY to stay Mr. Singh’s deportation and demand that he be accepted on his pending humanitarian and compassionate claim.

* CALL (PREFERABLE): (613) 996-4974
* FAX: (613) 996-9749
* EMAIL: minister at and Finley.D at

*** Please note that depending on rapidly evolving circumstances, there will likely be a rally on **Sat Oct 20th afternoon**. Please plan on attending!

======> SAMPLE LETTER <========

Minister Finley,

Regarding: Laibar Singh

I am writing regarding the situation of Mr. Laiber Singh. I am sure that you are aware of the case of Mr. Laiber Singh, who is currently facing deportation on Monday October 22, 2007.

Laibar Singh is a paralyzed Punjabi refugee claimant who took sanctuary on July 7 in the Abbotsford Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar Gurudwara. While in sanctuary, Mr. Singh’s health deteriorated and he had to be hospitalized. On Monday August 13, while in the hospital, Abbottsford police and Canadian Border Services Agency officers detained Mr. Laibar Singh. Due to immense community and political pressure, Mr. Singh was granted a 60-day stay on August 20th, but now continues to face deportation on Monday October 22.

A wide variety of human rights organizations, disability advocates and community groups have also expressed their support for Mr. Singh’s bid to remain in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. These groups include the Canadian Labour Congress, BC Coalition of People with Disabilities, B.C Hospital Employees Union, the Multifaith Action Committee, and a long list of South Asian community groups and gurudwaras.

In the past six weeks, approximately thirty thousand people have signed an Official petition to Parlimament in support of Mr. Singh remaining in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.

On October 9, 2007, a group of health care professionals- including 13 independent doctors- issued a letter to Immigration Minster Diane Finley stating, “As health professionals, we are outraged at the fact that the Canadian government would consider deporting a paraplegic man, whose health condition is extremely fragile… For the sake of his safety, health and well being, we fully support him and demand that [the Minister]grant him permanent residency status on the basis of humanitarian and compassionate grounds immediately.”

It is outrageous that the Canadian government would deport a man who is already struggling to life a live of dignity and autonomy, and whose physical health is so fragile. For the sake of his own safety, for the well-being of his physical health, and based on the life that Mr.Singh has already established, I fully support him and demand that you approve his application for permanent residency on humanitarian and compassionate grounds immediately.

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