Indigenous Resistance News

Posted by admin on Feb 26th, 2015

‘This system hasn’t killed me yet’: A roundtable on gendered colonial violence

Nearly 1,200 Indigenous women have been murdered or gone missing in Canada over the past 30 years. According to researcher Maryanne Pearce, 24.8 per cent of all missing and murdered women in Canada are Indigenous women despite making up less than two per cent of the total population. Statistics are, of course, wholly inadequate when conveying the scope of violence. Gendered violence is embedded within settler-colonialism: in racist and heteropatriarchal laws such as the Indian Act, in policies of child apprehension which target Indigenous families, in the practices of locking up Indigenous women and youth at alarming rates, in the theft of Indigenous lands that disproportionately displaces and impoverishes Indigenous women, and in the genocidal attempts to annihilate Indigenous laws through the very bodies of Indigenous women, girls, trans and two-spirit people that embody and enact Indigenous sovereignty.

The Tsilhqot’in Decision and Canada’s First Nations Termination Policies

“The reaction to the SCC Tsilhqot’in decision has ranged from the jubilation of Tsilhqot’in Chiefs and other First Nation leaders, to dismay and alarm from industry spokespeople and other Canadian Settler opinion makers. Reaction from Colonial Crown governments was muted or silent for the most part, except for the British Columbia government, Premier Christy Clark called for a meeting between her Cabinet and Chiefs in BC on September 11, 2014.”

The Tsilhqot’in Decision and Indigenous Self-Determination

“Here is the broad territorial declaration of Aboriginal Title that the Supreme Court of Canada granted: “With the declaration of title, the Tsilhqot’in have now established Aboriginal title to the portion of the lands designated by the trial judge … This gives them the right to determine, subject to the inherent limits of group title held for future generations, the uses to which the land is put and to enjoy its economic fruits. As we have seen, this is not merely a right of first refusal with respect to Crown land management or usage plans. Rather, it is the right to proactively use and manage the land.”

Ontario First Nations demand NEB halt Energy East review, seek consultation

Ontario’s First Nations leaders are demanding the National Energy Board halt its review of TransCanada Corp.’s Energy East project until they can be properly consulted. In a letter to Natural Resources Minister Greg Rickford, Ontario regional chief Stan Beardy said First Nations have “grave concern” about the NEB process, saying the board has been inaccessible and unwilling to share information with them.

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