Immigration, Migrant Workers, Refugee News

Posted by admin on Mar 29th, 2015

Number of temporary foreign workers tripled in Canada between 2002 and 2012

The number of foreign workers in Canada tripled between 2002 and 2012 — although they still made up less than two per cent of the overall labour force, the parliamentary budget office reported Thursday.

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Canada Is Spending Millions Keeping Immigration Detainees in Jail

“Today is Family Day—I miss my dad,” said Melika Mojarrab, the teenage daughter of Masoud Hajivand, who has been detained in Lindsay for the past eight months while the government attempts to deport him to Iran. Hajivand, who publicly converted to Christianity from Islam, says he fears imprisonment, torture, or even death if he returns to Iran. “If Canada deports him to Iran, I will not be able to see him again,” Mojarrab said. “His life is in extreme danger.”

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Supreme Court Ruling Could Alter Landscape for Refugee Advocates

Every day Francisco Rico, co-director of the FJC Refugee Centre in Toronto, gets calls from undocumented migrants wondering how to get to Canada. Some have tracked his organization down on the Internet; others heard about it through friends. Their constant refrain: ‘We want to come to Canada and we don’t have any papers.’ But in offering advice, he could be committing a crime under a controversial section of the 2002 Immigration and Refugee Protection Act that critics say is written far too broadly and puts people who legitimately help refugees at risk of prosecution.

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Federal Government “Mean Spirited” Toward Refugees, Expert Says

Canada’s federal leaders have “descended into the gutter when they talk about refugees,” says Amnesty International secretary general Alex Neve. Inflammatory language is just one aspect of the “miserly, mean-spirited and punitive” attitude the federal government has shown towards refugees at a time when the Syrian crisis has created the largest mass displacement of people in a generation, Neve said.

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‘Safe countries’ among top 10 refugee-claim sources in 2014

Janet Dench, executive director of the Canadian Council for Refugees, told Embassy that statistics show that the DCO list was flawed from the beginning. “The whole scheme was misconceived because any person can come from any country and potentially be a refugee,” she said. “The good news from our point of view is that the acceptance rates reassure us that the Immigration and Refugee Board is independent and its decision makers are making decisions based on the evidence of the individual case before them.”

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Health Care and Immigration Policies That Kill

It is perhaps predictable that precarious immigration status impacts people’s ability to access dignified health care, but it should spark outrage when such status results in illness and death. Beyond the obstacles in accessing health care due to immigration status, immigration policies that lead to detention and deportation have consequences on the health and well-being of migrants.

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