Global Apartheid- film and panel

Posted by admin on May 9th, 2006

G  L  O  B  A  L      A  P  A  R  T  H  E  I  D
fortress north america and the new world border

                          [ film and panel ]

Tuesday May 9th, 2006 — 6:30 pm
at SFU Harbour Centre (515 W. Hastings St.)

FILM  — “New World Border”  (28 min) A film by Jose Palafox and Casey Peek. “New World Border” documents the rise of human rights abuses along the US-Mexico border since the implementation of border walls (such as Operation Gatekeeper) that have been erected in populated areas throughout the border region during the last decade. This documentary includes interviews with immigrant rights organizers, testimony from immigrants, analysis of ‘free trade’ policies, and discusses current efforts to build a vibrant movement for immigrant rights.”

PANEL  — Global Apartheid and the New World Border

JOAQUIN MURIETA [ SEATTLE ] is an organizer for the Latino Liberation Movement in Seattle. He is a Xikano born to immigrant parents and like many others he knows and feels the effect of US immigration policy on his family and his community. The Latino Liberation Movement has recently organized four student walkouts with seven high schools and two middle schools as part of the increasing resistance opposing exclusionary and racist US immigration policies which most recently brought over 2 million people to the streets in coordinated demonstrations in over 100 US cities on April 10.

JAGGI SINGH  [ MONTREAL ] — a writer, independent journalist and activist based in Montreal. He is an organizer with No One Is Illegal – Montreal, Solidarity Across Borders and the International Solidarity Movement. He has been active in organizing against capitalist globalization, as well as current movements against war and racism, and for self-determination and genuine solidarity.

SUNERA THOBANI [ VANCOUVER ]– UBC Professor of Women’s Studies.  She is past president of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) and a founding member of the cross-Canada Researchers and Academics of Colour for Equity (RACE) network. Her research focuses on globalization, citizenship, migration and race and gender relations.

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