Get involved with Check Your Head and No One Is Illegal — apply to be a volunteer facilitator for Migrant Justice!

Posted by admin on Dec 11th, 2014

Check Your Head is a youth-driven nonprofit organization working with young people to take action for social & environmental justice.  Working together with No One Is Illegal, a grassroots anti-colonial migrant justice group with leadership from members of migrant and/or racialized backgrounds, we are excited to announce a new workshop – and we’re looking for volunteer facilitators!

How can I get involved?

We’re looking for youth with direct experience of migration and migrant issues to lead workshops with school and community groups. In addition to leading workshops, volunteers will also take part in a weekend of facilitation training. Youth of all genders, abilities, backgrounds, of any status, and LGBT2IQ folks are encouraged to apply. You must be available January 24 & 25th to participate in a mandatory facilitation training.

Send a statement of interest (max. 500 words) to by noon on January 2nd.
Tell us why you’re passionate about migrant justice, and what issues are important to you!

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