Financial Support for Amir Kazemian Needed

Posted by admin on May 4th, 2007

Dear friends, allies, and supporters,

We are currently seeking supporters to financially assist one of the refugees we support. As many of you are well aware, on Monday Feb 20 Amir Kazemian was accepted on his Humanitarian and Compassionate claim for permanent residency in Canada. Amir is an Iranian refugee who became well-known to people across Canada when he made the courageous decision to publicly seek sanctuary in June 2004. He remained in sanctuary for 2 years and 8 months, inspiring hundreds of supporters, until he was arrested and detained by the Vancouver City Police on February 17, 2006 and subsequently held in detention by Canadian Border Services Agency. Amir’s release from custody and the acceptance of his H and C application is a direct result of all the work and support that hundreds of people have demonstrated for him.

We call on you one more time to support Amir today as he struggles to get his life together.

This is not a minor matter; he is dealing with serious stress having to readjust upon leaving sanctuary and is of course still suffering from documented Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and extreme anxiety and depression as a result of the torture he suffered, including having been beaten into a coma by Iranian officials. He has also been in limbo given the nature of the system: unable to work while he was in sanctuary and waiting for a work permit upon his release.

Despite having lived through unimaginable circumstances both in Iran and Vancouver, Amir is optimistic and looking forward to establishing a new and safe life in Vancouver. We believe Amir is not just a number of charity-case, rather he represents the tenacity and determination of a survivor who has lived through the frontline of struggles few of us could imagine, let alone bear. Yet, as always, money is at issue in order to be able to build and continue on with his life.

We strongly urge you to respond to this appeal for funds for basic living expenses, which is a one-time appeal to support Amir through this transition period. Any amount helps from $20-$100.

What can you do to help?

– Cheques (including post-dated cheques) can be made out to “Amir Kazemian” and mailed to NOII, Office 714, 207 West Hastings, Vancouver BC V6B 1H7
– Contact us directly if would like to donate cash, arrange pickup, or require direct deposit information.
– Encourage your friends, family members, members of your group to donate

Thank you for considering this appeal and for making a concrete difference in the lives of refugees in their struggle for justice and dignity.

In solidarity,
Mandeep Dhillon, Andrea Loquist, Harsha Walia, Valerie Zink
On behalf of No One is Illegal-Vancouver
Call 604-220-0451 or email

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