Feb 5 – 8: Indigenous Peoples Assembly

Posted by admin on Jan 14th, 2010

Indigenous Peoples Assembly

Friday, February 5 – Monday, February 8, 2010, Neskonlith, un-surrendered Secwepemc Nation, (so-called Chase, British Columbia, Canada). Contact: nymcommunications@gmail.com. For Indigenous Peoples only.

Weytk Xwexweytp. Greetings to the World. The Secwepemc Peoples and the Native Youth Movement are inviting Indigenous Peoples throughout the Western Hemisphere and the World to come and join with us at an Indigenous Peoples Assembly at Neskonlith, un-surrendered Secwepemc Territory from Friday, February 5th to Monday, February 8th, 2010.

Considering that we, as Indigenous Peoples, have continued to resist the invasion and destruction of our Water and Territories for 518 years. That the last of our remaining Lands, Water and Territories are being plundered and raped and that it is our duty and responsibility to defend Life by any means.

We understand that our common oppressor has used all tactics to try to exterminate our Indigenous Peoples and Ways and by doing this they are waging War on the Earth itself.

All Indigenous Peoples are encouraged to come and share their history, stories and struggles of Resistance, so we may begin to know each other and build our alliance and unity of Resisting Red Nations.

At the time of this Indigenous Peoples Assembly, so-called British Columbia and Canada will be in the global spotlight, with the 2010 Winter Olympic Games taking place just days away in the neighboring Indigenous Nations of un-surrendered Coast Salish and StÂ’atÂ’imc Territories.

It will be an opportunity for Us, as Indigenous Peoples, to come together to send a clear and unified message and let our Struggles be known Worldwide.

We also call on all Indigenous Peoples and Peoples of the World to attend the 2010 Convergence, the mobilization against the 2010 Winter Olympic Games from February 10-15, 2010 in Vancouver, un-surrendered Coast Salish Territories.

All Indigenous Peoples, Communities and Nations are invited to demonstrate their clothing, songs, dances, and other traditional forms of expression, both at the Indigenous Peoples Assembly and the 2010 Convergence.

To get directions, discuss travel information and confirm attendance contact: nymcommunications@gmail.com

To make a donation to the Indigenous Assembly contact: Secwepemc Nation Youth Network, snyouthnetwork@hotmail.com

To get more information about the 2010 Convergence contact: olympicresistance@riseup.net

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