Australia deploys police back up after refugee policy change

Posted by admin on Apr 10th, 2010

Sat, 10 Apr 2010 18:37:00 +1000, Radio Australia News

Australia has sent extra Federal Police to Christmas Island – where there’s a detention centre for asylum seekers – to deal with any fallout from the government’s decision to stop processing certain refugee claims. The government has suspended refugee processing for Sri Lankan and Afghan asylum seekers because it says the conditions in those countries have improved. The main opposition party’s justice and customs spokesperson, Michael Keenan, says the move could cause tension between asylum seekers.

‘We’re very concerned about the conditions on Christmas Island,’ says Mr Keenan.

Refugee advocates have also criticised the amended immigration policy.

A lawyer, David Manne, says it could lead to a violation of asylum seekers’ human rights.

And the Australian Greens Party has described the policy as ‘red-neck’.

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young says the policy contravenes the Racial Discrimination Act and that it is a ‘a quick fix’ ahead of this year’s election.

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