Audio/Video: Adil Charkaoui in Vancouver

Posted by admin on Jul 13th, 2009

On June 26, as part of a Canada-wide speaking tour, Adil Charkaoui  spoke in Vancouver on Security Certificates and Secret Trials. This event was sponsored by No One Is Illegal-Vancouver, BC Civil Liberties Association, Canadian Muslim Union, Council of Canadians – BC / Yukon Region, Canadian Islamic Congress, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Video linked here.
Audio linked here.

Adil Charkaoui is a Morocco-born permanent resident of Canada who was arrested by the Canadian government under a security certificate in May 2003 in Montreal. Along with four other Muslim men, he constitutes the “Secret Trial Five” held under a measure of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act that allows for the preventive arrest and detention of non-citizens, without charge, under secret evidence that can lead to indefinite detention and possible deportation to torture. The full event information is linked here

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