G8 / G20 Arrestee Support

Posted by admin on Jul 1st, 2010

A number of people have been asking about ways to support the around 900 arrestees in Toronto in the wake of severe police brutality and misconduct during and after the G8/G20 protests, Here’s a few suggestions ways you can support :

Donate to the legal defense fund.

The Toronto Community Mobilization Network is collecting funds for legal support. Please dig deep and donate at your bank c/o OPIRG York:
transit number 00646
institution number 842
account number 3542240

Cheques can be made payable to OPIRG York (please put “G20 Legal Defense” in the subject line) and mailed to: C449 Student Centre, York University, 4700 Keele Street
North York, ON M3J 1P3


Get Involved!

** Organize a fundraiser potluck, dinner, yard sale, party, film screening or other event to raise money for legal fees for the arrestees.

** Write letters to the editor expressing your outrage at the treatment of the Toronto arrestees.

** Sign on and get your group or organization to endorse the Vancouver Solidarity Statement to send a message of support to Toronto:

** Add your name to the Toronto Call

** Sign this petition calling on the U of T administration to disclose and explain the ways in which it was complicit with the ISU’s actions.

** Attend solidarity events and fundraisers in your area.

Upcoming fundraising and solidarity events in Vancouver listed below:

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