200-300 Rally in Support of Laibar Singh

Posted by admin on Dec 3rd, 2007

laibar-2.jpgOn one of the coldest days thus far in the Lower Mainland, approximately 200-300 people- including elders and children- braved the weather to rally in support of Mr. Laibar Singh in front of the Immigration offices in Surrey on Sunday December 2.

laibar-3.jpgAll those in attendance expressed their outrage and anger at the Conservative government for pushing forward with this inhumane decision despite the outpouring of community support for Laibar Singh. Supporters plan to continue their campaign to allow Mr. Singh to remain in Canada where he has received unprecedented support from the local community. Rallies, protests, and public events are planned throughout this coming week. His supporters are also pressuring the federal government and House of Commons for a response to the official 25,000 petitions that were signed.

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