No One Is Illegal Banner Drop on International Human Rights Day
On December 10, 2009 (International Human Rights Day), No One Is Illegal- Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories, and our allies dropped two large banners which stated: “Canada Jails Refugees” above Highway 1 during morning rush-hour traffic. No One Is Illegal continues to condemn and organize against the actions of the Canadian government that perpetuates gross violations of refugee and migrant human rights. Particularly under Minister Kenney’s immigration regime, we have witnessed escalating rates of detention and deportation. The banners were a response to the ongoing detention and criminalization of 75 of the 76 Tamil refugees that arrived in BC on October 2009.
The only one released to date is a minor whose release was mandated by law. Canada’s immigration legislation permits immigration officials to hold the Tamil refugee claimants in a state of indefinite detention without charge based only on a mere suspicion of inadmissibility on so-called security grounds. This form of arbitrary and indefinite immigration detention has previously been condemned internationally as a breach of fundamental human rights. The label of “security-risk” itself is often rooted in racist stereotypes, and appeals to conservative public fears and prejudices of migrants.
In the face of Kenney’s repressive tactics and escalating attacks, No One is Illegal-Vancouver asserts the basic human right to safety, mobility, and protection. As Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. We continue to call for the immediate release of all the remaining detainees and demand their collective right to stay in Canada with dignity. No One Is Illegal!
* No One Is Illegal Confronts Minister Kenney Again!
* For more information on Kenney and the Fire Kenney Campaign:
* NOII-Van Press Release: Uphold the Rights of 76 Migrants Aboard Ocean
* The Kenney Doctrine