Free the Three! Freedom for Migrants! End Detentions!

Posted by admin on Dec 2nd, 2012

Actions are being organized across Canada in solidarity with security certificate detainees Mohammad Mahjoub, Mohamed Harkat and Mahmoud Jaballah and all those locked up in immigration detention on December 9th & 10th. Join Us! December 10th marks the 10th year anniversary of Mohamed Harkat’s arrest under a security certificate. Mahjoub will be in court the following day in Toronto for a detention review, once again calling on the judge to free him from over twelve years of arbitrary, indefinite detention. It is just a few days before C-31, the law that will see many refugees automatically detained, is expected to be fully implemented. And it is International Human Rights Day.

Toronto: Sounds of Solidarity Rally at Toronto Immigration Holding Centre on Dec. 9th at 4pm. Buses leave at 3pm from Fed Court House, 180 Queen West. Contact: Justice for Mahjoub Network, Facebook event here.

Ottawa: Visual presentation/rally on Parliament Hill on Dec. 10th at 10am. Contact: Justice for Mohamed Harkat Committee,

Vancouver: International Human Rights Day Candlelight Vigil at Vancouver Art Gallery – Robson Square side on Dec. 9th at 4:30 pm. Facebook event here.
Contact: Siraat,

Calgary: Info-Picket at 615 MacLeod Trail Southeast on Dec. 9th. from 1pm to 2pm. Contact: Anti-Racist Action Calgary,

Saskatoon: Info-picket at 12pm on Dec. 9th.

Regina: Info-picket on December 6th. Contact: Making Peace Vigil,,

Montreal: Sounds of Solidarity Rally at Laval Immigration Prevention Centre on Dec. 10th at 10am. Colourful car convoy leaves Rosemont metro at 9am.
Facebook event here.
Reserve seat: People’s Commission Network,

Halifax: Info-picket on Dec 10th. No One Is Illegal Halifax,
Please get in touch with us at if you can organize an action in your city.

For over a decade now, Mohammad Mahjoub, Mohamed Harkat and Mahmoud Jaballah have lived in arbitrary and inhumane detention as a result of security certificates. Mahjoub was imprisoned for 8 years (including 2.5 years in solitary) and has now spent over 4.5 years under continuing house arrest and conditions; Harkat was imprisoned for 3.5 years (including 1 year in solitary) and has already spent 6.5 years under continuing house arrest and conditions; Jaballah was imprisoned for over six years prison (including over one year in solitary) and has now spent 5.5 years under continuing house and conditions… yet, none of them has ever been charged.

Mahjoub, Harkat and Jaballah are three of the thousands of migrants in Canada who spend more time in worse jails simply because they don’t have full immigration status. With the full implementation of Bill C-31 in December, and with Bill C-43 looming in Parliament, increasing numbers of migrants will find themselves behind bars. Since the Harper government came in to power in 2006, over 72,000 people have been locked up in immigration detention. This includes families and children as well as those jailed in maximum security prisons without access to service or programs.
On December 9th and 10th, insist Free the Three! Freedom for Migrants! End Detentions!Attend an action near you or organize a workshop, info-picket or action in your community. Email us at we can provide flyers, media release, and other support.Please also take a moment to sign the statement against security certificates at

In solidarity,

Justice for Mahjoub Network
The Justice for Mohamed Harkat Committee
Justice for Jaballah
No One Is Illegal – Toronto
People’s Commission Network
Anarchist Black Cross – Toronto | |

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