US Immigrant Inmates Caught in Outsourcing Labyrinth

Posted by admin on Feb 20th, 2009

Tom Barry, February 16, 2009. Americas Program, Center for International Policy (CIP
Imprisoned immigrants in the large prison complex outside the small West Texas town of Pecos have rioted twice over the past few months complaining about inadequate medical care. Their complaints, sparked by the death of a sick inmate in solitary confinement, echo a chorus of similar complaints around the country about medical care in immigrant prisons. Medical care, like most aspects of imprisonment in America, is outsourced at the Reeves County Detention Center. As a result, imprisoned immigrants don’t know who exactly is imprisoning them, who is responsible for their medical care, and who they should petition when they have grievances.


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Thirty-thousand Haitians ordered to leave United States

Posted by admin on Feb 19th, 2009

Associated Press

FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida (AP) U.S. immigration authorities say they’ve ordered 30,000 Haitians to leave the country. Haitian officials, however, say they’re not issuing the travel documents needed to process most deportees. Handfuls of deportees with valid passports have been returned to Haiti since Dec. 5, following a three-month break in deportations, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel. But Haitian officials say the storm-batted Caribbean country needs time to recover and can’t handle the return of its citizens.

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Man sets himself on fire on downtown Calgary street

Posted by admin on Feb 12th, 2009

CBC, Feb 12

As motorists and pedestrians in downtown Calgary watched in horror, a man set himself on fire on Thursday morning in front of a building that houses federal government offices. A paramedic crew that happened to be passing by the 100 block of 4th Avenue S.E. near the Harry Hays Building spotted the 40-year-old man on fire. They extinguished him and immediately called another crew to the scene for assistance.

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ICE airline flies tens of thousands of deportees out of U.S.

Posted by admin on Feb 9th, 2009

By Antonio Olivo. Chicago Tribune. February 9, 2009

The nondescript 737 jet taxied to the front of the runway line at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. Aboard the flight, 53 passengers stared out windows as their rising plane banked toward Mexico and their handcuffs glinted in the morning sun. This is U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Flight Repatriate, a booming airline ferrying illegal immigrants out of the country.

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Fired Border Patrol agent alleges quota pressure in Inland Empire

Posted by admin on Feb 6th, 2009

By David Kelly. February 6, 2009. LA Times

Reporting from Murrieta — A former Border Patrol officer said Thursday that constant demands to meet monthly arrest quotas led agents in the Inland Empire to cruise streets, bus stops and even medical clinics looking for illegal immigrants. “We had to make eight apprehensions a day and if we didn’t meet that goal we were pressured to get more the next day,” said Tony Plattel, who was fired last month for driving what he said were six dehydrated illegal immigrants back to headquarters despite orders to wait until his van was full. “I interfered with the quota, that’s why I was fired,” he said. According to Plattel, agents trying to fill those quotas would drive on Baseline Road in San Bernardino searching for anyone who looked “wet,” slang for a newly arrived illegal immigrant.

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