Introduction To Swan’s Special Issue On Immigration

Posted by admin on Oct 4th, 2010

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(Swans – October 4, 2010) A predictable consequence of the dire economic crisis has been a spectacular rise in anti-immigrant sentiment in North America and Western Europe, which, combined with religious xenophobia against Muslim residents, has led to a significant growth of right-wing populism. In the U.S., former pro-immigration Republican leaders openly advocate reconsidering the 14th Amendment to the Constitution to strip it of its provision that provides automatic citizenship to any child born in the country whether or not the parents are citizens. Meanwhile, the Obama administration is quietly presiding over a much higher rate of deportations than the preceding Bush administration oversaw. Anti-immigrant rhetoric is particularly virulent among Tea Partiers and the candidates they support for the coming mid-term elections. In Europe, populist right-wing parties have been scoring substantial electoral gains by scapegoating immigrants of Muslim background. In Italy, Umberto Bossi’s Lega Nord (“Northern League”), a xenophobic party, is a member of the Berlusconi governmental coalition. In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders, the leader of the Party of Freedom (and a favorite of the American Tea Party), openly advocates banning new mosques — as the Swiss did in a recent referendum — and the Koran, stopping all immigration from Muslim countries, and deporting immigrants. In Germany, a controversial book written by Thilo Sarrazin, a forced-to-resign member of the board at the Bundesbank and former finance minister of the Berlin city-state government, and often called a mini German Wilders, has fanned a harsh debate on immigration. In France, the Sarkozy government is emulating the policies long advocated by the far-right National Front, shamelessly deporting Romas and targeting immigrants from Northern Africa. The beast is raising its ugly head (Brecht) once again — and the phenomenon repeats itself in Austria, Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Hungary, etc. Even tiny Sweden, a model of social democracy, has just elected to its parliament 20 members of the anti-immigration, far-right Sweden Democrats led by Jimmie Ã…kesson.

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Tamil migrant gives birth to girl at Maple Ridge hospital

Posted by admin on Sep 25th, 2010

By Douglas Quan, Postmedia News September 25, 2010

One of the 492 Tamil migrants who arrived in B.C. last month has given birth to a girl. The woman was transferred from the Alouette Correctional Centre for Women in Maple Ridge to a local hospital Thursday night, said Malini Dyonisius, one of the lawyers representing the migrants. Dyonisius said she received a call at 7 a.m. Friday from another migrant at the detention facility informing her that the woman had given birth to a girl. The woman had been scheduled to have a 30-day detention review hearing before the Immigration and Refugee Board in downtown Vancouver on Friday. All parties agreed to keep the woman in custody and hold another hearing on Tuesday, said Paula Faber, an IRB spokeswoman.

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Making Noise for Jailed Tamil Refugees

Posted by admin on Sep 25th, 2010

by Dawn Paley, Vancouver Media Coop. Sep 25

Saturday marked the third noise demonstration outside of Burnaby jail where Tamil women and children are detained. More than two dozen people gathered outside of a Burnaby jail today to make noise and show their support for the 25 Tamil women and 44 children being held inside the jail. Four hundred and ninety two Tamil refugees arrived on the shores of Vancouver Island aboard the MV Sun Sea on August 12. It is believed that many of the Tamils on the ship were fleeing Sri Lanka after their release from internally displaced peoples’ camps, where they were living during the intense war in their territory. According to Fathima Cader, from No One Is Illegal, when Tamil people are released from the camps, they return to bombed out villages and face harsh conditions, including disappearances and sexual harassment.

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Majority of Tamil boat people remain imprisoned in Canada

Posted by admin on Sep 23rd, 2010

By Salim Jiwa Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

VANCOUVER – Hundreds of Tamil boat people remain detained in prisons across the Greater Vancouver area along with children several weeks after their arrival in Canada. The detentions are carried out under the pretext of establishing the identity of the refugees despite the fact that a massive majority of those who arrive in this country without identification by aircraft or cross from the land border with the United States are not detained for such long durations. However, there has been no outrage from the Canadian public and those politicians who decried Sri Lanka’s detention of thousands after the end of the war between the government and the LTTE have remained silent on the imprisonment of refugees.

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Vancouver Activists Rally in Support of Tamil Refugees

Posted by admin on Sep 22nd, 2010

Zach Baddorf | Vancouver 22 September 2010, VOA

The Thai cargo ship MV Sun Sea arrived on Vancouver Island in Canada last month, carrying nearly 500 Tamils fleeing Sri Lanka. They claim to have faced murder, kidnapping and extortion back home and are now seeking refugee status. The Canadian government has detained the refugee seekers while it determines whether they are a security threat. About 40 activists banged drams, clanked pots and pans, blew horns and made as much noise as they could. They wanted to get the attention of about 90 Tamil women and children detained inside the Burnaby Youth Custody prison, located about 300 feet away.

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