Posted by admin on Apr 5th, 2005
Liberals unveil security plan. Toronto Star April 5, 2005
OTTAWA.The Liberal government is moving to establish a new National Security Committee of parliamentarians that would give MPs unprecedented access to secret information collected by Canada’s intelligence agencies and a role in reviewing their operations.
Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan tabled the proposal yesterday, not long after being officially sworn in as minister of public safety and emergency preparedness after the bill to create her department finally became law.
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Posted by admin on Mar 6th, 2005
MNN. March 6, 2005. Saturday March 5th I spoke at a workshop put on by our non-native supporters in Montreal. They are concerned about the way Smart Cards are being foisted on Indigenous people. If they can do it to us, they can do it to them. “How can we fight it?, they asked. “How can we help you?”
Why don’t more non-native people support our struggle for our rights? How can they help us when they don’t know anything about us? We Indigenous people know more about our rights because we have had to defend ourselves since the newcomers arrived on our shores.
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Posted by admin on Jan 18th, 2005
Mohawk Nation News, 18 January 2005
Kahentinetha HornÂ
The Mohawks of Kahnawake and Crees of Quebec will be guinea pigs for a worldwide “Smart Card” system!
These new super ID cards have been on the wish-list of the Powers That Be for years. They want everyone to have one. They want to keep track of everything that everyone does.
But their dream keeps getting shot down. Human rights activists say “Smart cards” are an invasion of privacy. Mainstream America won’t have it. So the control freaks have decided to do an end-run around all the idealistic do-gooders.
That’s why the project has surfaced in Indian Country.
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Posted by admin on Jul 4th, 2004
Vancouver Sun, 3 July 2004
Neal Hall
Vancouver resident Mohamed Khan was returning from London in May when government airport officials checked his baggage and took him to a room for questioning, which lasted more than an hour. “I was the only one out of 300 passengers to be thoroughly interrogated,” said Khan. “I was the only person taken to the side.” He feels the incident was the result of his name, which suggests he is Muslim.
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Posted by admin on Nov 6th, 2003
Ottawa Citizen, 5 November 2003
Maher Arar
I am here today to tell the people of Canada what has happened to me.
There have been many allegations made about me in the media, all of them by people who refuse to be named or come forward. So before I tell you who I am and what happened to me, I will tell you who I am not. I am not a terrorist. I am not a member of al-Qaida and I do not know any one who belongs to this group. All I know about al-Qaida is what I have seen in the media. I have never been to Afghanistan. I have never been anywhere near Afghanistan and I do not have any desire to ever go to Afghanistan. Now, let me tell you who I am.
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