Statement of Opposition to the signing of the St’at’imc Hydro Agreement

Posted by admin on Apr 19th, 2011

We, the youth, women and families of the St’at’imc Tribe have protected this land since time immemorial. We deliver now the thundering demand of TRUE justice. We affirm these tribal lands were never sold, surrendered, or given to anyone, or anyone who would claim jurisdiction, We are the witnesses to those who stood before and passed on the oral history of the Indigenous place names, traditional culture, language and songs of the peoples of the StÌ“atÌ“imc Tribe. We take this stand for all of those who believe in Our Mother Earth and the natural laws of Energy and Spirit She is, and where we are all connected. As original tribes of Turtle Island we declare our right to Natural Tribal Laws, through the Traditional Customs the Creator has encoded in the genetics of our blood and passed on through oral history.

As Tribal Peoples, we have never lost in war, sold the land we have been given to take care of, or given it away through Treaty, gift or any other means of annexation through colonial occupation of a British Dominion, CROWN Corporation, or enforced State registering corporate entities, companies, nor have we borrowed from any bank, financial institutions to allow them to claim a controlling interest through security agreements in the tribal lands we inhabit. Being heirs and successors of the original tribal peoples, clans, matriarchal clan mothers and women of the clans who have title to these tribal lands from time immemorial, we are the signatories who have the right of claim encoded in our blood to the traditional tribal lands in which we stake title through the place names of our language by the Will of the Great Spirit.

No longer will we continue to enslave our children under bondage of our words and signatures with any foreign colonial Dominion, CROWN Corporation, or State enforced occupation. Within the seven dimensions of knowledge and other teachings of both the physical, spiritual, conscience, sub conscience, matter, anti-matter, light, dark, the original peoples must ensure to keep these things in tune with the Harmony of Mother Earth̓s vibrations, color coding, genetics, symbols of life and the energy of Earth, moon, sun and universe. Please be advised that we will not accept any people surrendering ANY access, to or on our sacred land or waterways.

Employees of the Canadian Government, also known as elected leaders, may not speak or represent on our behalf while negotiating the future of our children or land. We are making the statement that you do not have permission to negotiate monetary issues and to make decisions without recognizing the Tribal Rights of the Original People, also known as Ucwalmicw. We stand firm in defense of Mother Earth and will not take part in the destruction of her for payments of money or otherwise.

Any continuation with the signing of this agreement will be seen as a direct threat to our mother, the earth, our children and our lifeline, the water.

We are ready to co operate and halt the abyss that is recklessly speeding the end of the world. We are concerned that the path of destruction created by hydro generation and we would like the current negotiators to step down and not sign the agreement that will continue to allow the silent killing of our tribal members.

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