Support Us


You are probably aware that we undertake a wide range of events, actions, projects, campaigns, popular education, and direct support work on a shoe string budget. Some highlights of NOII organizing over the past five years are here.

None of the organizers of NOII are paid, and unlike many other organizations, we do not accept any government or corporate funding. Our work is primarily dependent on all-volunteer labour, in-kind donations, and the financial support of individuals and a few allied unions. Our monthly costs are approximately $1500 to produce educational materials, basic supplies including soundsystem, venue rentals, providing food and bus tickets at events, and finances associated with supporting migrants including legal fees. If you support organizing that strives for solidarity not charity, please help us meet these costs!



We strongly depend on a network of supporters and allies to build a movement for migrant justice. You can support this collective struggle in various ways, depending on your time, interest, and capacity.

1) Community Ally: Stay informed and get involved when you can! Stay informed on current migrant justice issues, including visiting our website and social media sites for regular updates, subscribing to our email list, and attending events where we can share experiences and ideas. If you are able, respond to urgent calls for support in response to detentions, deportations, and other emergency actions.

To subscribe to our low-traffic email list (1-2 emails a week) for news and event announcements, please email or visit this link:
Facebook Page:
Facebook Group:

2) No One Is Illegal Network of supporters: Find out what we’re up to and lend a hand! Join the NOII Network of supporters. The network list receives regular updates on current organizing efforts as well as specific requests for support. NOII network members participate in monthly discussions and are involved with events, campaing-planning, last minute actions and the oh-so-fun poster runs! If you are interested in getting more actively involved with NOII, we strongly encourage you to contact us by emailing  and request to join the NOII Network!

We are also seeking your support and skills in areas including research, multilingual translation, access to event venues, in-kind photocopying and printing donations, layout and design, and those with specialized legal advocacy and health-care training. Contact us to let us know which skills and resources you are able and willing to share.

3) No One Is Illegal Collective: Get Active in weekly planning and organizing! The NOII collective is for those of you who are interested in joining the NOII collective and want to be more involved in active decision-making and weekly activities of the collective. Collective meetings currently take place on a weekly basis with additional sub-committee meetings. We generally do orientations for new collective members twice per year in April and September. We will also do additional orientations if there is enough interest. Please read more information below, and if it sounds like a good fit for you, contact us via email so we can let you know when the next orientation will be happening!

In order to join the NOII Collective:

1) We ask that those interested in joining the collective first familiarize themselves with NOII’s work by joining the NOII network and attending events and/or monthly meetings. We strive to be as open and inclusive to new members as possible, while ensuring a level of familiarity and comfort with what we work on and how we work.

2) You agree with the principles and values of No One is Illegal as a movement for self-determination for migrants but also for global justice that seeks to dismantle capitalism, colonialism and all forms of power and control. Our basic principles that we ask you please spend the time to read through:

3) You commit to being involved in the ongoing work of the collective in some capacity. The collective consists of an ‘active’ membership, which means that people have some presence with the collective (it can be over email, meetings, subcommittees, support work etc). There is no strict commitment level at all, however as a general guideline, members should attend 1-2 meetings per month in order to facilitate collective decision making and planning. People are always free to step back as needed.

4) You uphold our organizing structure: we are a collective, and autonomous from government or corporate funding structures as well as political party affiliations.

4) You organize and engage critically with principles of anti-oppression (this means different things to all of us, we don’t have one universal understanding of how to practice this). While we are committed to anti-oppression at all levels, in particular we value the particular lived experiences of immigrant/ racialized peoples. Although a majority, we are a not a people of colour only space- a deliberate principle that cherishes all our members and their experiences and ideas. We all participate together, from our different places.

5) You understand the conception of No One Is Illegal as a movement, not just a group. We constantly work with other allies and movements and are not just focused on our own group. Accordingly, being involved in NOII also means being involved in and supportive of other movements such as Indigenous sovereignty, Palestinian solidarity, queer/trans liberation, prison abolition etc and acting our solidarity in accordance with the understanding that these struggles are intrinsically linked.


Facebook Page:
Facebook Group:
To subscribe to our low-traffic email list (1-2 emails a week) for news and event announcements, please email or visit this link