URGENT ACTION: Let the Haziraj family stay!
Please take a moment to sign the following petition: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/littleboysbestfriend/ and join the “Keep a Boy’s Best Friend in Canada” Facebook group to let the Haziraj family stay in Canada (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=69407246332). Please also consider sending an email to Jason Kenney, Minister of Immigration (Minister at cic.gc.ca & kennej at parl.gc.ca) asking that the family be granted status on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Please CC your email to lethazirajfamilystay at gmail.com
The petition was started by six year old Engjell Haziraj’s kindergarden classmates to prevent the deportation of the Haziraj family back to Kosovo. The family’s other child, three year old Canadian-born daughter Gjina is in need of expert medical care to treat a sensitive heart condition. In the meantime, the father, Zeqir has been detained by Canadian immigration authorities since March 11th on the pretext that he constitutes a ‘flight risk’ if a deportation ruling is ordered. This leaves Abresa Hassanaj on her own to care for both her children with the looming threat of deportation.
Zeqir was an activist with Ibrahim Rugova’s Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), which led one of the Balkans’ longest, mass-based and non-violent civil resistance campaigns for greater autonomy, self-determination and fundamental human-rights for Albanians living in Kosovo. The family fled in 2004, when their home was shot up. Zeqir and other LDK activists have been prosecuted by the US armed and trained Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) since NATO forces occupied Kosovo in June 1999.
It is not safe for the Haziraj family to return to Kosovo under the present circumstances.
The Conservative government continues to target migrants and deny refugee status to those in need. Deportations, preemptive detentions, workplace raids, temporary workers and coercion are becoming the hallmarks of Canadian immigration policy. Demand Zeqir’s immediate release! Demand that the Haziraj family be granted status on Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds!
ENDORSED BY: Global Balkans Network; Freedom Fight / Pokret za Slobodu; No One is Illegal – Montreal; No One is Illegal – Toronto; No One is Illegal – Vancouver; Solidarity Across Borders (SAB)
Kindergarten student ‘wants to keep his best friend here’ (Niagara Falls Review – http://www.niagarafallsreview.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1523388).
Niagara Falls man facing deportation remains in custody Daughter’s health grounds to let them stay, doctor says – http://www.niagarafallsreview.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1518495